Elevate January 2024 | Air Serbia

Kopenhagen Copenhagen


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od beograda: From belgrade:

140 min.

Ili zađite iza železničke sta - nice i izgubite se u Vesterbro kvartu. Najbolje je da uopšte nemate plan, osim plana gra - da, ve da pustite Kopenha - gen da vas vodi svojim prija - teljskim ulicama i kanalima od jedne do druge lepote. Andersen Te 1805. godine u Danskoj je, u malom gradu po imenu Odense, rođen Hans Kristijan Andersen, čovek koji je obele - želio mnoga detinjstva sveta. Verovatno najčuveniji Danac svih vremena bio je povuče - ni dečak, sanjao je baštu pu - nu čudesnih bi a, a danas ta - kva bašta postoji u ku i koja je u Odenseu pretvorena u se - anje na njega. Tu je još i vre - mešni hrast, 212 godina star, posađen iste godine u kojoj je rođen dečak koji e uz nje - ga stasavati sve do vremena kada e sa 14 godina po i u Kopengahen da pronađe sre - u. Danas njegova Mala si - rena, prelepa statua, zauvek ostaje da bdi na ulazu u luku,

rity that are the main reasons this city is so instantly endea- ring. When it comes to muse- ums, we don’t have enough co- lumn inches to present them all, given that the entire city is one big museum. You sho- uld certainly choose everything from the classics to modern art for your soul, but you won’t have time to tour it all. Set out from the beautiful train station at the very he- art of the city. Opposite is Ti- voli Gardens, one of Europe’s biggest and craziest amuse- ment parks, while there’s al- so the Round Tower, which Danes have clambered up to watch the stars for centuries, and next you’ll hit the start of Strøget, a pedestrian shopping area that’s connected to wide avenues heading in all directi- ons. On the right, towards the sea, is the Opera House and the Christiania commune, whi- le straight ahead stand the Da- nish Parliament, the royal re- sidence of Amalienborg and the colourful district of Ny- havn, and a little to the left is

the wondrous botanical gar- den. Alternatively, head behind the train station and lose your- self in the Vesterbro neighbo- urhood. The best option is not to have any kind of plan, just a map of the city, and to allow Copenhagen to guide you, thro- ugh its friendly streets and ca- nals, from one beauty spot to the next. Andersen It was back in 1805, in the small Danish city of Odense, that Hans Christian Andersen, a man who would mark all chi- ldhoods the world over, was born. Probably the most famo- us ever Dane led a solitary life as a boy, dreaming of a garden filled with wondrous creatures, and just such a garden today flourishes on the grounds of the house in Odense that has been turned into his memorial museum. There is also a wit- hered oak that’s 219 years old, having been planted the same year that Andersen was born. And he would grow up besi- de that tree until departing to find his fortune in Copenha - gen at the age of 14. A beauti- ful statue of his Little Mermaid today stands as a permanent reminder of his genius at the entrance to the city’s harbo- ur, greeting those who arrive in Copenhagen, a city that pays tribute to this beloved author at every corner. From the mu- seum of fairy tales near the ci- ty’s Round Tower, all the way to the beautiful, colourful distri- ct of Nyhavn, where he lived for a long time at number 20 and wrote his first fairy tales. His mermaid watches over the Danish capital, where Ander- sen returned after his many jo- urneys and was finally laid to rest in the lane of celebrated and worthy Danes.

U Kopenhagen zbog Hamleta i Andersena In Copenhagen because of Hamlet and Andersen

Sigurno ste ve čuli za hige. Ako niste, zaista nema niče - ga što vam se ne bi dopalo u ovom danskom načinu ži - vota. Uključuje sreć u i zado - voljstvo, a podrazumeva da maksimalno iskoristite jedno - stavna životna zadovoljstva. Bilo da provodite kvalitetno vreme sa bliskim prijateljem, ispijate šolju vrelog čaja ili odlutate u dobroj knjizi, hige se uvek vezuje za dobrobit. Sad kad ste to naučili, može - te da krenete u otkrivanje Ko - penhagena, koji je objektivno prelep, sa arhitekturom neo - klasicizma, vekovima pošte - đen razaranja, sa značajnim muzejima i bujnim parkovi - ma. Pa ipak, lako a, mir i svo - jevrsni neodoljivi ose aj pri - jatnosti i prisnosti glavni su razlozi što grad tako brzo pri -

raste srcu. Kad je reč o mu - zejima, nema dovoljno mesta da ih sve predstavimo, budu - i da je ceo grad jedan veli - ki muzej. Svakako izaberite šta vam prija duši, od klasi - ke do moderne umetnosti, jer ne ete imati vremena da obi - đete sve. Krenite od prelepe železnič - ke stanice u samom centru. Preko puta je Tivoli, jedan od najve ih i najluđih zabavnih parkova u Evropi, tu je i okru - gli toranj sa kojeg su Danci vekovima gledali zvezde, pa počinje Stroget, pešačka zo - na iz koje na sve strane vode široke avenije. Desno, ka mo - ru, Operi i Kristijaniji, pravo do zgrade Skupštine, kraljevskog života Amalineborga i šare - nog Nihavena, pa malo levo, do čudesne botaničke baste.

You’ve surely already heard of hygge. And if you haven’t, the- re’s really nothing that you wo- uldn’t like about this Danish li- festyle. Encompassing a sense of cosiness and contentment, hygge means making the most of the simple pleasures of li- fe. Whether that means spen- ding quality time with a close friend, sipping a hot cup of tea or losing yourself in a good bo- ok, hygge evokes a sense of wellbeing. Once you’ve nailed that down, you can start exploring Copen- hagen, which is objectively be- autiful, with its neoclassical ar- chitecture that’s been spared from destruction for centuries, important museums and lush parks. And yet it is its sense of ease, peace and some irresisti- ble pleasantness and familia-

Ništa ne smeta što se neko rodio u pačjem gnezdu, samo kad se izlegao iz labudovog jajeta – Andersen Being born in a duck yard does not matter, if only you are hatched from a swan’s egg ~ Andersen

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