Elevate January 2024 | Air Serbia


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Od Beograda: From Belgrade

175 min.



U Oslo zbog Munka i Ibzena In Oslo because of Munch and Ibsen

The beating heart of the ci- ty is Karl Johans Gate, a bustling metropolitan street where you’ll find many of Oslo’s attractions. At one end stands the classicist Royal Palace, built between 1825 and 1849. It is the offi- cial residence of the Norwe- gian monarch and his fa- mily, but is partly open to the public. The residence is surrounded by a public park, and a much-loved attracti- on is the changing of the gu- ard of honour, which takes place daily at 1.30pm. Wal- king on, you will come acro- ss the magnificent building of the unicameral Norwe- gian Parliament, dating back to 1866, and further down the street you’ll encoun- ter the Protestant Cathedral that dates back to the 17 th century. Nobel Turn into Roald Amundsens Gate and walk up to the ma- jestic and very characteristic building of the town hall. This mighty, modern building was built in 1950 and, apart from office space, also houses an art gallery. It is also the venue that hosts the annual awar- ding of the Nobel Peace Pri- ze. As stipulated in the wi- ll of inventor and industrialist Alfred Nobel, the Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, physio- logy or medicine and literatu- re are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, while the Nobel Pe- ace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway. He didn’t explain why. The Nobel Peace Prize was last year awarded to Nar- ges Mohammadi “for her fight against the oppression of wo- men in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all”.

Srce grada kuca u užurba - noj ulici Karl Johans, u kojoj ć ete pronać i mnoge atrakci - je Osla. Na jednom njenom kraju stoji klasicistička Kra - ljevska palata, izgrađena iz - među 1825. i 1849. To je zvanična rezidencija norveš - kog monarha i njegove poro - dice, ali je delimično otvore - na za javnost. Rezidencija je okružena javnim parkom, a omiljena atrakcija je smena počasne straže koja se odr - žava svakog dana u 13.30. Šetajuć i dalje, naić i ć ete na velelepnu zgradu jednodo - mnog norveškog parlamenta iz 1866. godine, a nešto niže i protestantsku katedralu ko - ja datira iz 17. veka. Nobel Krenite kroz Roald Amund - sens kapiju i prošetajte se do veličanstvene i vrlo ka - rakteristične zgrade Gradske

kuć e. Moć no, moderno zda - nje izgrađeno je 1950. godi - ne. Pored poslovnog prosto - ra, tu je i umetnička galerija, a ovde se svake godine do - deljuje Nobelova nagrada za mir. Kako je predviđeno te - stamentom pronalazača i industrijalca Alfreda Nobe - la, nagrade za fiziku, hemiju, medicinu i književnost do - deljuju se u Stokholmu, dok se nagrada za mir dodelju - je u Oslu. Nije objasnio za - što. Prošle godine je Nobelo - va nagrada za mir dodeljena Narges Mohamadi „za nje - nu borbu protiv ugnjetavanja žena u Iranu i promovisanje ljudskih prava i sloboda“. Munk Čuveni slikar Edvard Munk zaveštao je Oslu sva svoja dela koja je imao u posedu, pa je gradsko već e odluči - lo da za ovaj neverovatan

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