kultura / culture
Struka je izabrao
Struka has chosen
Poznati reper je izabrao deset albuma rukovođen isključi- vo ličnim osećajem i odnosom koji ima prema njima. Dakle, ovo nije top-lista, već intimno putovanje našeg etabliranog repera kroz omanju istoriju regionalnog hip-hopa. Gru – „Gru2“ Album koji je na velika vrata uveo hip-hop u tokove popularne kulture na ovim prostorima i utabao staze za sve buduće izvođače tog žanra. Voodoo Popeye – „Voodoo Epopeye“ Ovaj album je je- dinstven jer nam je dao savršen spoj lucidnosti, duhovitosti i promenio na- čin na koji doživljavamo hip-hop.
Famous rapper selected ten albums solely on the basis of his personal feelings and relationship towards them. So, this is not a chart, but rather an intimate journey taken by an established Serbian rapper through the mini history of the hip-hop of this region. Gru – Gru2 This album brought hip-hop into the region’s pop culture mainstream and blazed a trail for all future artists in the genre. Voodoo Popeye – Voodoo Epopeye This album is unique in that it provided us with the perfect mix of lucidity and humour, changing the way we experienced hip-hop. Beogradski sindikat – Bssst….. Tišinčina This first album of the second wave of Serbian hip-hop launched the golden era and this sound’s revolution in Serbia.
Hip-hop je rođen u Bronksu, u Njujorku, 11. avgusta 1973. Hip-hop was born in the Bronx, New York, on 11 th August, 1973
But let’s fast forward and depart America to arrive in our lands. From the Master Scratch Band to the Bud- weiser clan, Disciplin A Kitschme and Rambo Amadeus, hip-hop culture and rap expression found ways to use local content to present what had already become part of the music establishment of the West. Dusting off his old CDs, Ognjen Kostić, aka Struka, went through his own phono-library of local hip-hop/ rap releases and singled out the albums that he consid- ers as having been the most important to the develop- ment of Serbian hip-hop. Through his selection, this Belgrade-based rapper led us through a section of the history of the Serbian hip- hop scene that he has himself been part of for more than 20 years. Indeed, some of Struka’s own albums have led to the Belgrade scene being heard across the entire ter- ritory of the former Yugoslavia. Two of his popular al- bums, Music From The Basement and All Dogs Go To Heaven, have been reissued on vinyl in recent days. Lis- tening to them again, their striking freshness and uni- versality are noticeable. Eternal themes and eternal is- sues of growing up in urban environments, but also life and political environments, remain sources of constant instability and artistic inspiration.
Beogradski sindikat – „Bssst... Tišin- čina!“ Prvi album drugog talasa srp- skog hip-hopa, pokrenuo je zlatnu eru i revoluciju tog zvuka u Srbiji. VIP – „Ekipa stigla“ Meni omiljeni do- maći album, drago mi je da sam deo njega. Postavio je visoke standarde u regionalnoj hip-hop produkciji. Ikac i Reksona su najdinamičniji duo koji sam ikada imao prilike da čujem. „Prti Bee Gee“ – „Grejtest hits “ Naj- tvrdokorniji i najbeskompromisniji do- maći album. Juice – „Hiphopium“ Najbolji Đusov album do dan-danas. Stoprocentni hip-hop, obavezan u kolekciji bilo kog ozbiljnog fana ovog žanra.
Brišući prašinu sa starih CD-ova, Ognjen Ko- stić Struka prelistao je sopstvenu fonoteku domaćih hip-hop/rep izdanja i izdvojio albume koje smatra najznačajnijim za razvoj srpskog hip-hopa. Kroz svoj izbor, beogradski reper nas je vodio kroz deo istorije srpske hip-hop scene čiji je i sam deo više od dvadeset godina. Pojedini Strukini al- bumi pomogli su da se za beogradsku scenu čuje širom eks-Ju prostora. Dva njegova izdanja, „Mu- zika iz podruma“ i „Svi psi idu u raj“, ovih dana su doživela reizdanja na vinilu. Dok se ponovo slušaju, primećuje se zadivljujuća svežina i univerzalnost. Večite teme i problemi odrastanja u gradskim sre- dinama, životno i političko okruženje ostaju izvor konstantne umetničke inspiracije.
VIP – Ekipa stigla [The Crew Has Arrived]
My favourite domestic album, I’m glad to have been part of it. It also established high standards in regional hip-hop production. Ikac and Reksona are the most dynamic duo I’ve ever had the opportunity to hear.
Prti Bee Gee – Grejtest Hits The most durable and uncompromising domestic album.
Juice – Hiphopium Juice’s best album to date. Undiluted hip-hop, it’s a must have in the collections of all serious fans of this genre. Bad copy – Sve sami hedovi [All Just Buds] Some would say that Bad Copy picked up where Voodoo Popeye left off, but they showed with this album that they brought to hip-hop something unique to them, creating a special subgenre that would gain many followers over subsequent years. Marčelo – De facto This album departed from the hip-hop stereotypes of the era and in so doing broadened the audience. Hip-hop started to find listeners among people who’d previously been put off by its “macho” prerogatives. Struka – Svi psi idu u raj [All Dogs Go To Heaven] People will maybe criticise me for being conceited. However, I really consider that this album’s place is among the most important albums of Serbian hip-hop, because – when viewing the bigger picture – it is one of the highest quality albums in the domestic discography. Smoke Mardeljano – To je rap [That’s Rap] This is the album that brought Serbian hip-hop back from the dead and continues to keep it alive.
„Bad Copy“ – „Sve sami hedovi“ Neko bi rekao da su „Bad Copy“ nastavili tamo gde je „Voodoo Popeye“ stao, međutim, ovim albumom su pokazali da su u hip-hop do- neli nešto samo njima svojstveno i stvorili poseban po- džanr koji je u narednim godinama dobio mnogobrojne sledbenike. Marčelo – „De facto“ Album koji je napustio hip-hop ste- reotipe tog doba i na taj način proširio publiku. Hip-hop su počeli da slušaju ljudi kojima je on do tog momenta bio odbojan zbog svojih mačo prerogativa. Struka – „Svi psi idu u raj “ Možda će me ljudi kritikova- ti zbog neskromnosti. Međutim, zaista smatram da je ovom albumu mesto među najbitnijim albumima srpskog hip-hopa jer je, šire gledano, jedan od najkvalitetnijih al- buma u domaćoj diskografiji.
Smoke Mardeljano – „To je rep “ Album koji je srpski hip- hop vratio iz mrtvih i još uvek ga održava u životu.
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