Elevate January 2024 | Air Serbia



Jeste li se i vi uželeli Tonija Starka? „Marvele“, vrati nam Ajron mena

I t’s a Hollywood trick that’s as old as the factory of dreams itself, and it goes like this – if you’re old action saga is struggling, just bring back the guy (yes, it always seems to be a guy) who initial- ly made it so successful (do we need to remind you of all the Terminator sequels?). But if Marvel fans had been hoping that the su- perhero mega-saga that’s fallen on hard times could restore its former glory with the return of the inimi- table Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, that, unfortu- nately, is not going to happen. The Marvel Cinemat- ic Universe’s top dog, Kevin Feige, put an end to that idea when emphasising, in an interview with Vanity Fair, that the reintegrating of Downey’s version of To- ny Stark would ruin the finale of Avengers: Endgame, which saw Iron Man sacrifice himself for the great- er good. “We are going to keep that moment and not touch it again,” said Feige. “We all worked very hard for many years to get to that, and we would never want to magically undo it in any way.” The whole story was prompted by speculation that a solution for Stark’s return could lie in the increasing- ly frequent use of elements of the multiverse, or, more precisely, that Downey Jr could thus return through some kind of alternative reality switch. After all, Tom Hiddleston’s current version of Loki is a variant of the one killed by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, just as Zoe Saldana’s Gamora in the latest instalment of Guardians of the Galaxy is the same Gamora that was thrown to her death by Thanos in the same film. So why not bring back the MCU’s most famous, and perhaps most beloved, face? Feige’s argument is nonetheless a fair one. If we are to respect moments of powerful cinematic drama (is there anyone who didn’t shed a tear when Iron Man died?), then it’s not a good idea to undermine them by signalling that death is not the end. The advent of the multiverse makes anything theoretically possible, yet there’s a superior set of rules based not on quan- tum mechanics, but rather on not making your audi- It’s confirmed – Robert Downey Jr., unfortunately, will not be returning. His character remains dead after having made the ultimate sacrifice, but it would be logical to expect someone else to don his iron suit. Or would that be too much for us to handle? Have you also been longing for Tony Stark? Marvel, bring Iron Man back to us

T o je holivudski trik star koliko i sama fa- brika snova, a glasi – ako ti se stara akcio- na saga muči, samo vrati momka (da, čini se da je to uvek momak) koji ju je učinio tako uspešnom (treba li podsećati na sve nastavke „Terminatora“?). Ali ako su se fanovi „Marvela“ nadali da bi mega-sa- ga o superherojima koja je zapala u probleme mogla da zasija starim sjajem vracanjem neprevaziđenog Ro- berta Daunija Džuniora kao Ajron mena, to se, na sve- opštu žalost, neće desiti. Glavni čovek „Marvelovog“ univerzuma Kevin Fajgi stavio je finalnu tačku na tu ideju kada je u intervjuu za „Veniti fer“ naglasio da bi vraćanje Daunijeve verzije Tonija Starka upropastilo finale „Osvetnika“, u kojem se Ajron men žrtvuje za sveopšte dobro. – Ostacemo na tom rešenju i necemo ga dirati. Svi smo godinama naporno radili da bismo došli do tog kraja i ne želimo da sad sve to nekim čudom poništi- mo – rekao je Fajgi. Celu priču pokrenula su govorkanja da bi rešenje za povratak Tonija Starka moglo biti sve češće korišće- nje elemenata multiverzuma, tačnije, da bi na taj način Dauni mogao da se vrati preko svojevrsne alternativ- ne realnosti. Na kraju krajeva, aktuelna verzija Loki- ja Toma Hidlstona jeste varijanta onog kojeg je Tanos ubio u „Osvetnicima“, baš kao i Gamora Zoe Saldane u poslednjim „Čuvarima galaksije“ koju je takođe Tanos bacio u ambis u istom filmu. Pa zašto ne vratiti najpo- znatije lice „Marvelovog“ univerzuma koje smo mož- da najviše i voleli? Ipak, Fejgijev argument je fer. Ako treba poštova- ti trenutke snažne filmske drame (postoji li neko ko nije plakao kad je umro Ajron men?), onda nije dobra ideja potkopavati je nagoveštavanjem da njegova smrt nije kraj. Pojava multiverzuma čini sve teoretski mo- gucim, ali postoji jedno nadređenije pravilo koje se ne Potvrđeno je – Robert Dauni se, nažalost, nece vratiti. Njegov junak posle konačne žrtve ostaje mrtav, ali bilo bi logično očekivati da neko drugi uđe u gvozdeno odelo. Ili to ipak ne bismo mogli da podnesemo?

ence angry. We need only recall Star Wars and the res- urrected Palpatine that gave us all hives?! There’s also a certain irony to the idea that restor- ing RDJ’s Iron Man would be a much-needed univer- sal cure for all that currently ills the MCU, given that the success of this saga has always been based on the concept that the characters are the comic book stars, not the actors who portray them. Few film fans had even heard of Australian Chris Hemsworth before he started portraying Thor or the sparkly-eyed Tom Hol- land before Spider-Man. It also seemed that this Mar- vel method had in many ways marked a welcome break with the old style of casting. Let’s not even comment on Schwarzenegger as Mr Freeze or Stallone as Judge Dredd... But Holland’s masked spider is first and fore- most Spider-Man, just like the Hulk and Captain Marvel. On the other hand, the MCU and its army of fans are definitely missing Iron Man, and it almost doesn’t seem fair that the character is now practically unusa- ble. While DC is in a position to recast its superheroes with new actors because nobody cared about the old versions of Batman, Superman and the rest, Marvel is unable to do the same because fans spent so much time falling in love with Iron Man and RDJ in the role, so the idea of putting anyone else in the suit would look like treachery. It still might be a good idea for Marvel to find a solution as soon as possible, before the character’s ab- sence becomes so routine that no one would dare ev- er bring him back. There’s no doubt that RDJ made a great Tony Stark, but that shouldn’t mean we have to wait for the MCU to finally fail before we get to see Iron Man again. Well, rumour has it that Tom Cruise likes speeding through the clouds, what do you think? :-)

Holandov maskirani pauk je pre svega Spajdermen, baš kao i Hulk i Kapetan Marvel Holland’s masked spider is first and foremost Spider- Man, just like the Hulk and Captain Marvel

Dok je „DC“ u stanju da prilagodi svoje superheroje novim glumcima jer niko ne mari za stare verzije Betmena ili Supermena, „Marvel“ to ne može da uradi While DC is in a position to recast its superheroes with new actors because nobody cared about the old versions of Batman, Superman and the rest, Marvel is unable to do the same

zasniva na kvantnoj mehanici, već na tome da ne lju- tite svoju publiku. Pa setite se samo „Ratova zvezda“ i oživljenog Palpatina koji nam je svima izazvao ospice! Postoji i određena ironija u ideji da bi restauraci- ja Daunijevog Ajron mena bila preko potreban lek za trenutne bolesti „MCU-a“, jer je uspeh sage uvek bio zasnovan na konceptu da su likovi zvezde stripova, a ne glumci koji ih igraju. Malo ko je čuo za Australijan- ca Krisa Hemsvorta pre nego što je počeo da igra Tora ili iskričavog Toma Holanda pre Spajdermena. Činilo se da je baš ta „Marvelova“ metoda umnogome ozna- čila željno očekivani razlaz sa starim tipom kastinga. Švarceneger kao gospodin Friz ili Stalone kao sudija Dred... Da ne komentarišemo. Ali Holandov maskira- ni pauk je pre svega Spajdermen. „Marvelovom“ univerzumu i svim njegovim ljubi- teljima definitivno nedostaje Ajron men i čini se goto- vo nepravednim što je lik sada praktično neupotrebljiv. Fanovi su toliko dugo voleli baš Daunijevu verziju, da bi ideja o bilo kome drugom u njegovom odelu izgledala kao izdaja. Pa ipak, možda bi bilo dobro da u „Marve- lu“ što pre nađu neko rešenje. Dauni je, nema sumnje, bio fenomenalan Toni Stark, ali to ne znači da mora- mo da čekamo da „MCU“ propadne pre nego što po- novo vidimo Ajron mena. Nego, šuška se da Tom Kruz voli da jurca kroz oblake, šta vi mislite? :-)

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs

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