Ritam Srbije Rhythm of Serbia Etno-sela Srbije / Ethno villages of Serbia Za srećnu dušu i glavu bez briga For a happy soul and a head free of concerns
Prednost etno-sela jeste to što su lako dostupna, neretko smeštena u blizini velikih gradova, a noćenje nije obavezno, pa možete provesti opuštajuće trenutke čak i ako se odlučite za jednodnevni izlet
The advantage of ethno villages is that they are easily accessible, commonly located in the vicinity of large cities, and staying overnight isn’t mandatory, so you can have a relaxing time even if you opt for a one-day excursion
Baš kao što Skandinavci imaju svoj hige koncept života, koji podstiče okupljanje uz najmilije u udobnoj, ušuškanoj kućnoj atmosferi, mi imamo etno-sela, da odmorimo telo i dušu / Just as the Scandinavians have their hygge concept of life, which encourages getting together with your nearest and dearest in a comfortable and cosy homely atmosphere, we have ethno-villages, to rest and recoup our body and soul
Ako niste znali, među najpopularnijim turistič- kim destinacijama u Srbi- ji nisu ni planine, ni banje, ni jeze- ra, već etno-sela. Čovek današnjice sve češće teži finom ritmu prirode. Stranci ne zaostaju za domaćim tu- ristima jer se svima dopada koncept koji nas vraća u neka druga, jedno- stavnija i mirnija vremena. Za koje god da se odlučite, ne- ma nikakve dileme da ćete uživati u jakoj, tradicionalnoj hrani, domaćoj rakiji ili, u ovo doba godine, vrućem vinu, kafici iz fildžana, sa domaći- nima koji će učiniti da se osećate kao kod kuće... Gotovo sva imanja u Srbiji ovog tipa potrudila su se da svoja dvorišta pretvore u oma- nje muzeje na otvorenom i ambi- jentalne celine koje će gostima da- ti priliku da se vrate kroz vreme i uživaju u čarima prošlosti. Ovog januara mi predlažemo tri etno-sela, ali vi svakako istražuj- te, pronađite ono koje vama najvi- še prija. Izbor je ogroman!
In case you didn't know, the most popular tourist destinations in Serbia aren’t mountains, spas or lakes, but rather ethno villag- es. People are today increasingly striving to experience the pleas- ant rhythm of nature. And foreign- ers aren’t lagging behind domestic tourists in this, because everyone likes the concept that transports us back to some different, simpler and more tranquil times. Regardless of which of these destinations you choose, you will undoubtedly enjoy strong, tradi- tional food, local rakia brandy or, at this time of the year, mulled wine, coffee from a Turkish cezve coffee pot, and hosts who will en- sure you feel at home... Almost all estates of this type in Serbia have made efforts to turn their yards into miniature open-air museums and ambient zones that provide guests with the opportunity to travel back through history and enjoy the charms of bygone times. We’re recommending three ethno villages this January, but you should definitely do some re- search and find one that best suits you. The choice is enormous!
Tekst / Words: Stefana Pavlović Fotografije / Photography: Miloš Cvetković, Aleksandar Stojanović, Profimedia
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