Ukratko In brief
The Eras Tour
Taylor Swift launched her Eras Tour, a 52-stop show- case spectacular encompassing all ten of her studio albums, on St Pat- rick’s Day this year. And people ha- ven’t stopped talking about it since – with that chatter only intensify- ing after the film documenting the tour hit cinemas in October, break- ing all previous records. Cinema chains have discovered the depth of the public’s interest in Swift: colossal, and seemingly bot- tomless. The question wasn’t wheth- er it would break records, but rather by how much it would smash them. It dropped a money bomb into the coffers of the October box office, prompting many planned releases to reschedule their premieres. The film, personally produced and financed by the 33-year-old sing- er herself, provided a much-needed
boost for cinemas in their post-Bar- benheimer slump, with the joint strikes of actors and screenwriters having pushed a number of premieres back to 2024. The film, like the show it docu- ments, is a feat of stamina – Swift performing for three and a half hours straight with seemingly little fatigue, condensed to a still gruelling (and gloriously loud) two hours and 45 minutes. In anticipation of a very enthu- siastic crowd seeking either to relive or experience a massive concert, cin- emas have relaxed their rules on talk- ing, standing and the use of devices for The Eras Tour Film, so don’t be surprised if people around you in the auditorium start singing and dancing. Swift has hailed the concert film, filmed over three nights at LA’s SoFi Stadium in August, as “the perfect capture of what this show was like for me”. That’s a bit of a misnomer. The film assumes Swift’s rarefied per- spective for just a tantalisingly few moments, gazing from behind her into tens of thousands of blinking, screaming lights. Save for a few snip- pets of the audience – mostly young ladies shrieking, singing or in tears – this is a film of Swift, in hyper-defini- tion and from seemingly every pos- sible angle. At its best, the Eras Tour film manages to encapsulate the shock of her vast stardom against the star- tling emotional clarity of her song- writing. She dubs it the most special experience of her life. And in this deft rendering, it’s easy to feel the intox- ication of experiencing her world.
Tejlor Svift rasturila blagajne Taylor Swift smashes the box office Koncertni film snima najveci događaj pop kulture u 2023. sa
Kao i koncert kojim se bavi, film je pravi podvig izdržljivosti The film, like the show it documents, is a feat of stamina
nezadrživim žarom i kristalnom jasnocom – uočavajuci detalje koji se lako mogu propustiti uživo / The tour film captures 2023’s biggest pop culture event with breathless fervour and crystal clarity – honing in on details easily missed in the live show
Na Dan Svetog Patrika ove godine Tejlor Svift je zapo- čela turneju „The Eras“, sa 52 sta- nice na kojima je pevala svih deset studijskih albuma. Od tada do da- nas ljudi nisu prestali da pričaju o tome, a naročito kada je film o tur- neji stigao u bioskope u oktobru i oborio sve postojece rekorde. Bioskopski lanci otkrili su ste- pen interesovanja javnosti za Tejlor Svift – kolosalan i naizgled beskra- jan! Od samog starta bilo je jasno da pitanje nije hoće li koncertna film- ska verzija njenog šoua biti rekor- dna, vec u kojoj meri. Zaista, film je bacio bombu u oktobarske blagaj- ne, a mnogi drugi su pomerili svoje
voru, stajanju i korišcenju telefona, pa se nemojte iznenaditi ako u bio- skopu ljudi sve vreme pevaju i igraju! Svift je koncertni film, snimljen tokom tri večeri na stadionu „SoFi“ u Los Anđelesu u avgustu, objasni- la kao savršen prikaz onoga što je turneja za nju značila. Ipak, možda je u pitanju pomalo pogrešan naziv. Film predstavlja njenu perspektivu na samo nekoliko trenutaka, iz tač- ke iza nje ka desetini hiljada trepcu- cih, vrištecih svetala. Osim nekoli- ko delova u kojima se vidi publika – uglavnom mlade žene koje urla- ju ili pevaju u suzama – ovo je film o Svift u hiperdefiniciji i iz naizgled svih mogucih uglova.
premijere. Jednostavno, film koji je 33-godišnja pevačica sama produ- cirala i finansirala bio je preko po- trebna injekcija bioskopima koji su bili u padu nakon hajpa „Barbenhaj- mera“ – naročito jer su zajednički štrajkovi glumaca i pisaca pomeri- li brojne premijere za 2024. Kao i koncert kojim se bavi, film je pravi podvig izdržljivosti – Svift nastu- pa bez naizgled imalo napora tri i po sata, što je sažeto na još uvek is- crpljujuca (i veličanstveno glasna) dva sata i 45 minuta. Izlazeći u susret veoma entuzi- jastičnoj publici koja je želela da po- novo proživi ili doživi veliki koncert, bioskopi su ublažili pravila o razgo-
U svom najboljem izdanju „The Eras Tour“ uspeva da uhvati šokan- tne razmere njene slave naspram za- panjujuce emocionalne jasnoce nje- nog pisanja pesama. Turneja je, kaže Tejlor, bila najposebnije iskustvo u njenom životu, a u tako spretnom prikazivanju nije teško osetiti opi- jenost koja vas obuzme dok bora- vite u njenom svetu.
U pogledu „otvaranja“ tuđih novčanika, Svift je klasa za sebe When it comes to opening wallets, Swift is in a class of her own
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