Ukratko / In brief
Here comes Sly
Who is the man behind Rocky and Rambo? Not many secrets will remain, as we will turn every stone and reveal unknown details from the life and career of the legendary Sylvester Stallone Sylvester Stallone is following hot on the heels of the documenta- ry Arnold , about his old nem- esis Schwarzenegger. It was only a matter of time until we got a peek into the life of the perhaps even more beloved Sly in another Netflix documentary. They were each oth- er’s arch rivals on the screen in the ‘80s, but they actually managed to remain real life friends for decades, so they now naturally talk about each other in both films. Stallone has entertained mil- lions for nearly 50 years, with his iconic characters and blockbuster franchises, from Rocky and Rambo to The Expendables. This retrospec- tive documentary offers an inti- mate look into the life of this Os- car-nominated actor, screenwriter, director and producer, paralleling his inspirational underdog story with the indelible characters he has brought to life. And the rise of Sly closely resembles that of his break- out character, Rocky – with his roll- ercoaster life filled with countless ups and downs. Subjects of celebri- ty documentaries are rarely poor- ly picked, especially those by Netf- lix, which has become something of a powerhouse in the genre. The life of Stallone is already beautiful- ly cinematic.
Na Netfiksu od 3. novembra On Netflix from 3 rd November
Evo ide Slaj
Ko je čovek iza Rokija i Ramba
Neće ostati mnogo tajni, zaviriće se ispod svakog kamena i otkriti nepoznati detalji iz života i karijere legendarnog Silvestera Stalonea
Silvester Stalone je za petama dokumentar- nom filmu „Arnold“, koji je napravio njegov stari neprija- telj Švarceneger. Bilo je samo pi- tanje vremena kada cemo zaviriti i u život možda voljenijeg Slaja u drugom „Netfliksovom“ dokumen- tarcu. Osamdesetih su jedan dru- gom bili najveća konkurencija na filmskim platnima, ali su zapravo decenijama uspevali da ostanu pri- jatelji u stvarnom životu, pa sad, naravno, jedan o drugom govore u oba filma. Skoro 50 godina Silvester Sta- lone je zabavljao milione legendar- nim likovima i blokbaster franši-
zama, od „Rokija“ preko „Ramba“ do „Plaćenika“. Ovaj retrospektivni dokumentarac nudi intiman pogled na glumca-scenaristu-reditelja-pro- ducenta nominovanog za „Oskara“, upoređujući njegovu inspirativnu priču o autsajderu sa neizbrisivim likovima koje je oživeo. Jer put Si- lvestera Stalonea jeste veoma sli- čan onom koji je prošao i sam Roki Balboa, sa životom na rolerkoste- ru ispunjenom usponima i padovi- ma. Teme dokumentarnih filmova o slavnim ličnostima retko su loše odabrane, posebno one na „Net- fliksu“, koji je postao prilično mo- can u tom žanru. A život Silveste- ra Stalonea je vec prelepo filmski.
58 | Ukratko » In brief
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