Ukratko / In brief
Rajan je i režirala film zasnovan na predstavi „Shooting Star“ Ryan also directed this film, which is based on the play Shooting Star
A tu je i Foks Molder / And there’s also Fox Mulder Meg Rajan u novom rom-komu Meg Ryan in a new romcom Nekadašnja holivudska „slatkica“ se posle 14 godina vraća na velika platna u novoj romantičnoj komediji „What Happens Later“ / After a 14-year hiatus, this former Hollywood “darling” is returning to the big screen in a new romantic comedy called What Happens Later
Ako imate više od tri- desetak godina, ime Meg Ra- jan nužno će vam biti asocijacija na neke od najlepših romantičnih ko- medija 20. veka. U neprevaziđenoj hemiji s Tomom Henksom gledali smo „Besane u Sijetlu“ ili „Dobili ste poštu“, a pre toga „Kad je Ha- ri sreo Sali“ sa Bilijem Kristalom, možda i najbolji film romantičnog žanra. Pa ipak, u 21. veku ime Meg Rajan uglavnom je profesionalno ve- zivano za režiju nekih ne baš komič- nih filmova, a njeno prisustvo u ta- bloidima uglavnom je bilo u vezi sa prevelikom količinom estetskih in- tervencija koje su je učinile nepre- poznatljivom. Ako ste spremni da vidite ne- ku drugačiju Meg, koja sad već ima šezdeset godina, a sa njom nekadaš- njeg agenta Moldera, koji ni sam više ne izgleda baš kao slavni go- nič vanzemaljaca, film „What Ha- ppens Later“ stiže 3. novembra. A prema zvaničnom sinopsisu: „Dvo- je bivših ljubavnika, Bil i Vila, zave-
jani su na regionalnom aerodromu preko noci. Čekajući neograničeno odloženi let, Vila, koja je maštar, i Bil, koji katastrofizira, podjedna- ko su privučeni i iznervirani jedno drugim kao i decenijama ranije. Ali dok raspakuju zagonetku zajednič- ke prošlosti i upoređuju svoje živo- te sa snovima koje su nekada delili, počinju da se pitaju da li je njihov ponovni susret puka slučajnost ili nešto više...“ If you are over 30 , it is inev- itable that you will associate the name of Meg Ryan with some of the late 20 th century’s most beautiful roman- tic comedies. We watched her unri- valled chemistry with Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve Got Mail, and previously alongside Bil- ly Crystal in the iconic When Har- ry Met Sally, which is arguably the best romcom of all time. And yet, in the 21 st century Meg Ryan's name has mostly been associated profes- sionally with her directing of some
not-so-comic films, while her pres- ence in the tabloids has been most- ly connected to the extreme aesthet- ic interventions that have rendered her unrecognisable. If you are ready to see a very dif- ferent Meg, who is now already in her 60s, and also the former agent Mulder, who also no longer resem- bles the famous alien hunter he once portrayed, then be sure to check out What Happens Later, which is set for release on 3 rd November. According to the official synopsis, “Two ex-lov- ers, Bill and Willa get snowed in at a regional airport overnight. Indefi- nitely delayed, Willa, a magical think- er, and Bill, a catastrophic one, find themselves just as attracted to and annoyed by one another as they did decades earlier. But as they unpack the riddle of their mutual past and compare their lives to the dreams they once shared, they begin to wonder if their reunion is mere co- incidence, or something more en- chanted.”
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