Zajedničko ulaganje / Joint venture launched Er Srbija potpisala sporazum sa Menzis eviejšn / Air Serbia signs agreement with Menzies Aviation Nacionalna avio-kompanija Republike Srbije potpisala je memorandum o razumevanju sa kompanijom Menzis eviejšn, vodećim globalnim partnerom za usluge zemaljskog opsluživanja / Air Serbia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Menzies Aviation, the leading service partner to the world’s airports and airlines, in an effort to support its ambitious growth plans Air Serbia news Er Srbija vesti
U slavu jubileja
Već je puna decenija prošla otkako je te 2013. godine, 26. oktobra, rođena Er Srbija. Kom- pletno je obnovljena flota, proširena mreža destina- cija, uspostavljeni su efikasni procesi i implemen- tirani novi savremeni sistemi. Mnogo bi podviga i oborenih rekorda moglo da se nabraja, ali oni koji le- te Er Srbijom već deset godina sve to dobro znaju. Da bi se jubilej ipak ozvaničio, u čast proslave prve decenije Er Srbija je dobila još jednu marku u svom albumu. U saradnji sa Poštom Srbije, marka slavi deset godina jedne lepe priče koja je tek počela... Er Srbija dobila poštansku marku
Menzis će pružati usluge zemaljskog opsluživanja putnicima Er Srbije na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd od februara 2024. Menzies will provide passenger and ramp services at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport as of February 2024
U okviru planirane sarad- nje Menzis će pružati usluge ze- maljskog opsluživanja putnicima Er Srbije na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd od februara 2024. Pre- ma sporazumu koji je dosad najve- ći za Menzis u istočnoj Evropi, lo- kalni timovi će opsluživati više od 22.000 rotacija u prvoj godini na najvećem i najprometnijem aero- dromu u Srbiji. Taj sporazum je još jedan ko- rak Er Srbije koji će omogućiti da- lje širenje njene mreže. Sa oko 50% tržišnog udela na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd, srpska na- cionalna avio-kompanija je uspeš- no proširila svoju mrežu na 15 no- vih destinacija u 2022. godini, uz još 23 destinacije u 2023, među kojima i one u SAD, Kini, Grčkoj, Italiji, Nemačkoj, Poljskoj i drugim zemljama. Od novembra srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija uspo- stavlja direktne letove između Be- ograda i Porta, dodajući na taj na- čin drugi najveći grad u Portugalu u svoju mrežu destinacija. – Izuzetno smo zadovoljni bu- dućom saradnjom sa tako pozna- tim pružaocem usluga zemaljskog opsluživanja kao što je Menzis eviejšn. Tokom ove letnje sezo- ne Er Srbija je ostvarila nezapam- ćen rast, ali se istovremeno suo- čila sa određenim izazovima na polju pružanja usluga zemaljskog opsluživanja. Želim još jednom da se izvinim svim putnicima koji su ovog leta bili pogođeni situacijom na našem matičnom aerodromu. Još tokom sezone reagovali smo brzo na tu situaciju, zapošljava- njem novog ljudstva u rekordnom
As part of the planned co- operation, Menzies will provi- de passenger and ramp services for the Serbian flag-carrier airli- ne at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Air- port from February 2024 onwar- ds. The agreement, representing Menzies’ biggest deal to date in Eastern Europe, will see local te- ams manage more than 22,000 flight turnarounds in the first ye- ar at Serbia’s largest and busiest airport. The move is the latest step in Air Serbia’s continuing expansion of its network. With an approxi- mately 50% market share at Bel- grade Nikola Tesla (BEG), the air- line successfully expanded its network with the addition of 15 new destinations in 2022 and a further 23 routes in 2023, inclu- ding to the United States, China, Greece, Italy, Germany, Poland and many other countries. The airline is also set to launch a new service between Belgrade and Porto in November, thereby ad- ding Portugal’s second-largest city to its network of destinati- ons. “We are extremely pleased about the upcoming cooperati- on with such a renowned grou- nd handling service provider as Menzies Aviation. During this ye- ar's summer season, Air Serbia
recorded unprecedented growth, but at the same time faced cer- tain challenges in the field of gro- und handling. Again, I would li- ke to apologise to all passengers impacted by the situation at our hub this summer. Even during the peak season, we reacted quic- kly to that situation by hiring ad- ditional personnel in record time. We are now taking the next step, because in 2024 we want to pro- vide the best possible service to our passengers and secure a re- liable partner for the company's further growth,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiří Marek. “We are extremely excited about the opportunity to work wi- th Air Serbia, helping the airline achieve further domestic and in- ternational growth. Strategically, as the number one service provi- der in the world and the number one provider in the region, this venture represents a major step for Menzies, supporting our am- bitions to expand our presence in the Balkans and support emer- ging aviation markets. We are lo- oking forward to delivering mar- ket-leading, high-quality aviation services in the Balkans with the fast-growing Air Serbia, and in- creasing our market share at Bel- grade Airport,” said Menzies Aviation CEO Philipp Joeinig.
In honour of the jubilee
– Veoma smo uzbuđeni što ćemo imati priliku da sarađujemo sa Er Srbijom i pomognemo joj da ostvari dodatni lokalni i međuna- rodni rast. Strateški gledano, kao pružalac usluga zemaljskog opslu- živanja koji je broj jedan u svetu i broj jedan u regionu, ovo zajednič- ko ulaganje predstavlja veliki korak za Menzis zato što podržava naša nastojanja da proširimo prisustvo na Balkanu i podržimo nova trži- šta u oblasti avio-saobraćaja. Ra- dujemo se što cemo zajedno sa brzorastucom Er Srbijom pruža- ti najbolju visokokvalitetnu uslugu na avio-tržištu Balkana i poveća- ti naš tržišni udeo na beograd- skom aerodromu – rekao je Filip Joanig, generalni direktor kompa- nije Menzis.
A full decade has elapsed since the 26 th October 2013 birth of Air Serbia. The fleet has been renewed entirely and the network of destinations expanded, with efficient processes established and new, cutting-edge systems implemented. We co- uld list many achievements and broken records, but they are already very well known among those who’ve been flying with Air Serbia for the past ten years. In order to nonetheless officially commemo- rate this jubilee, in celebration of the first decade of the rebranded national airline, Air Serbia has recei- ved another postage stamp in its album. Produced in collaboration with the Post of Serbia, the stamp celebrates the first ten years of a beautiful story that’s only just begun... Air Serbia postage stamp released
roku. Sada prelazimo na sledeći korak, jer u 2024. godini želimo da pružimo najbolju moguću uslugu našim putnicima i da imamo po- uzdanog partnera za budući rast kompanije – rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije.
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