Er Srbija vesti / Air Serbia news
Jačanje veza sa Lisabonom i Portom
Najnovija poslovnica Er Srbije je četvrta u Beogradu, pored onih u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra 17, u Jurija Gagarina 12 i na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd Air Serbia’s latest retail shop is its fourth in Belgrade, adding to those located at 17 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra, 12 Jurija Gagarina Street and at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport
/ Strengthening ties with Lisbon and Porto
Er Srbija je u saradnji sa Am- basadom Portugala u Beogra- du i Ambasadom Srbije u Lisabonu organizovala posetu osam uticajnih portugalskih novinara, u cilju pred- stavljanja turističkih potencijala Srbi- je stanovnicima najzapadnije evrop- ske zemlje. Gosti iz Portugala uživali su uz podršku koju je Er Srbiji pružio beo- gradski hotel „Courtyard by Marrio- tt“. Pored toga, Turistička organiza- cija Srbije obezbedila je razgledanje Novog Sada, a Turistička organiza- cija Beograda vođene ture kroz pre- stonicu Srbije. – U Srbiji već mesecima vlada veliko interesovanje za naše letove između Beograda i Lisabona, i njiho- vo uvođenje 15. aprila pokazalo se kao odličan potez srpske nacional- ne avio-kompanije – rekao je Boško Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i stra- tegiju u Er Srbiji, i dodao da „sada, zbog pokretanja letova do Porta, Er Srbija promotivnim aktivnosti- ma želi da pomogne da se potenci- jalni posetioci iz Portugala upozna- ju sa lepotama Srbije i zainteresuju da je posete“. – Uspostavljanjem avio-linija iz- među Srbije i Portugala stekle su se dobre osnove za dalji razvoj sa- radnje naše dve zemlje, pre sve- Portugalski novinari u obilasku Beograda i Novog Sada / Portuguese journalists tour Belgrade and Novi Sad
NOVA POSLOVNICA ER SRBIJE U Tržnom Centru „GALERIJA“ / New Air Serbia retail shop at Galerija shopping centre
Za idejni projekat i izvođenje radova bio je zadužen arhitektonski studio Ercegovac-Todorović The conceptual design and execution of works were entrusted to architecture studio Ercegovac-Todorović
Air Serbia, in cooperation with the Embassy of Portu- gal in Belgrade and the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Lisbon, has organised a visit of eight influen- tial Portuguese journalists aimed at presenting Serbia’s tourism potential to the residents of Europe’s western- most country. The guests from Portugal enjoyed their stay all the more thanks to support provided to Air Serbia by the Belgrade Courtyard by Marrio- tt Hotel. Additionally, the Tourist Or- ganisation of Serbia provided a sight- seeing tour of Novi Sad, while the Tourist Organisation of Belgrade pro- vided guided tours through the Ser- bian capital. ga u oblasti turizma i putovanja. Mi smo novinarima obezbedili povrat- ne avio-karte između Lisabona i Be- ograda i smeštaj u srcu Beograda, u hotelu „Courtyard by Marriott“. Sa- radnja sa „Marriott“ grupacijom sa nemačkog tržišta, gde je postojala odranije, sada se prenela i na tržišta Španije i Portugala, zato što strani partner uviđa uspešnost naše kom- panije na Iberijskom poluostrvu – rekla je Maja Radivojević, predstav- nica za tržište Portugala u Er Srbiji.
"In Serbia, there has been great interest in our flights between Belgra- de and Lisbon for months, and the- ir introduction on 15 th April proved to be an excellent move by the Serbian national airline,” said Boško Rupić, Air Serbia GM - commercial and stra- tegy, adding that “now, with the laun- ch of flights to Porto, Air Serbia is or- ganising promotional activities and wants to help potential visitors from Portugal get to know the beauty of Serbia, and to get them interested in visiting.” “Establishing aviation routes between Serbia and Portugal has provided good foundations for the further development of cooperati- on between our two countries, pri- marily in the field of travel and touri- sm. We provided the journalists with round-trip air tickets between Lisbon and Belgrade, as well as accommo- dation at the heart of Belgrade, at the Courtyard by Marriott hotel. Coope- ration with the Marriott group on the German market, where it previously existed, has now expanded to the markets of Spain and Portugal, be- cause the foreign partner sees the success of our company on the Ibe- rian Peninsula,” said Maja Radivojević, Air Serbia representative for the Por- tuguese market.
Nova, najsavremenija po- slovnica Er Srbije otvorena je na drugom spratu beogradskog Tržnog centra „Galerija“. Radno vreme nove poslovnice je od 10 do 22 časa tokom svih sedam dana u nedelji. U modernom, futuristič- ki osmišljenom i vedrom prosto- ru putnici mogu da kupe avio-karte Er Srbije ili da se informišu o svemu što ih zanima u vezi sa letovima na- cionalne avio-kompanije do više od 80 destinacija širom Evrope, Azije, Afrike i Severne Amerike. Pored to- ga, u novoj poslovnici dostupan je i širok asortiman brendiranih proi- zvoda, kao što su popularne make- te aviona Er Srbije. – U duhu desetogodišnjice poslovanja Er Srbije, osmislili smo niz aktivnosti za koje verujemo da će biti zanimljive i korisne našim putnicima. Ceo enterijer osmi- šljen je tako da imate doživljaj kao da ste u avionu. Poznate simbole Er Srbije integrisali smo u mode- ran prostor aerodinamičnog obli- ka. Na samom ulazu, baš kao u avionu, putnike dočekuje stjuar- desa, ali u poslovnici ona je holo-
A new, state-of-the-art Air Serbia retail shop has opened on the second floor of Galerija Belgra- de shopping centre. In this modern, futuristically designed and brightly-lit space, with working hours from 10am to 10pm, seven days a week, consu- mers can purchase Air Serbia tickets or find information on everything re- lated to the national airline’s flights to more than 80 destinations across Europe, Asia, Africa and North Ame- rica. A wide range of branded produ- cts are also available from the new unit, including popular Air Serbia air- craft models. "In the spirit of the tenth anniver- sary of Air Serbia's operations, we ha- ve devised a series of activities that we believe will be interesting and use- ful to our passengers. October is our birthday month, and we kicked it off with the grand opening of the new re- tail shop at Galerija Shopping Centre. The entire interior is designed to gi- ve you the feeling of being on an air- gramska – kaže Boško Rupić, di- rektor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije.
Srpska nacionalna avio- kompanija u aprilu ove godine uvela je letove do Lisabona, a u novembru do Porta, drugog najvećeg grada u Portugalu The Serbian national airline introduced flights to Lisbon this April, only to add Portugal’s second city, Porto, to its network as of this November
craft. We have integrated well-known Air Serbia symbols into a modern, ae- rodynamically shaped space. Custo- mers are greeted at the entrance by a flight attendant, just like when boar- ding a plane, the only difference be- ing that in the retail shop she is a ho- logram. We believe that visitors will enjoy the pleasant atmosphere, first in the retail shop, and then on the fli- ght of our company that they choo- se,” said Boško Rupić, Air Serbia Ge- neral Manager, Commercial and Strategy.
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