Ritam grada / Rhythm of the city
Otkrivanje Dubrovnika zimi: Jedinstveno i magično iskustvo / Exploring Dubrovnik in Winter: A Unique and Magical Experience When we think of Dubrovnik, the picturesque walled city on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, our minds often conjure up images of sun-soaked terracotta rooftops, bus- tling summer crowds, and shimmering turquoise waters. However, there's a well-kept secret about this stunning de- stination – it's a hidden gem in the winter months. Peaceful Tranquillity The city is renowned for its historical charm and stunning architecture, but during the peak summer season, naviga- ting through the throngs of tourists can be overwhelming. In contrast, winter brings peace and tranquillity to the city and you'll find that you have many treasures all to yourself. Mild Climate While much of Europe shivers through winter cold, Du- brovnik enjoys a mild Mediterranean climate. With tempera- tures rarely dropping below freezing, it's an ideal destination for those who want to escape the harsh winter weather. Cultural Delights The city's cultural calendar remains active year-round with theatre performances, exhibitions and concerts. The Dubrovnik Winter Festival, which runs from late November to early January, transforms the city into a wonderland of lights, festivities, and traditional Croatian music. It's the also the perfect time to immerse yourself in the local culture and cat- ch the St. Blaise festivity in early February, which celebrates the patron saint of Dubrovnik. Natural Beauty Dubrovnik's natural beauty is not limited to its coas- tline. In the winter, you can explore the surrounding coun- tryside, including the nearby Elaphite Islands and the maje- stic Konavle region. Widen your horizon and explore beyond the walls.
Zvezdara teatar „Zvezdara teatar“ je otvoren 8. oktobra 1984. predstavom „Mrešćenje šarana“ Aleksandra Popovića, u režiji Dejana Mijača. Komad nekada zabranjenog pis- ca, iako je bio odličan, teško je nalazio put do publike. Dva prethodna pokušaja da tekst zaživi na sceni završena su neuspehom. Ali za „Zvezdara teatar“, koji je i sam svojim inovativnim konceptom predstavljao veliki izazov, ovaj tekst je bio ve- lika šansa, a to su prepoznali i glumci koji su se priključili projektu. Ekipu prvog ko- mada „Zvezdara teatra“ činili su Mirjana Karanović, koja je tada tek završila aka- demiju, Vojislav Brajović, tada već poznat po ulozi Tihog u „Otpisanima“, Bora Todorović, Lazar Ristovski, Rada Đuričin, Gordana Pavlov i Izet Hajdarhodžić. Iako su dolazili iz različitih pozorišnih ansambala, poneseni dobrom energijom svi su igrali kao jedan pod rediteljskom palicom Dejana Mijača. Predstavu je od tog ok- tobra 1984. godine odgledalo preko stotinu hiljada ljudi, a uspeh „Zvezdara tea- tra“ je sada već istorija i pomalo legenda.
Pozorište na Terazijama Jedno jedino muzičko pozorište u gradu. Ap- solutno autentično. Menjalo je nazive, menja- la su ga vremena. Ali niko i ništa nije uspelo da promeni prvobitnu ideju iz daleke 1949. godi- ne, a to je da ovo bude mesto za zaista kvalitet- no provedeno vreme u centru grada. Zbog insi- stiranja na kvalitetu redovi za ulaznice su svake sezone sve duži. Oni koji tamo rade, za svoje pozorište kažu: „Menjali smo imena, a zadrža- vali snove. Rušili smo predrasude i zidali nadu. Pravili smo greške, a nizali uspehe. Verovali da smo na pravom putu i onda kad su svi sumnja- li. Krotili smo vodu, raspaljivali strast. Dokaza- li da je lako teško. A kad je najteže – da zajedno možemo lakše. Krojili smo priče, crtali putanje. Oduzimali dah, a sabirali utiske. Jer naše priče sjajno zvuče. A radost je veća samo kad se deli. Magija je u srcu Beograda. Dobro došli u jedino muzičko pozorište u regionu!“ TERAZIJE THEATRE As the only musical theatre in the city, Terazije Theatre is absolutely authentic. It has changed names and the times have also changed it, but nothing and no one has managed to change the initial idea, dating back to 1949, of making this a place to spend true quality time in the city cen- tre. And this insistence on top quality has meant that the queues for tickets are longer every sea- son. According to those who champion this the- atre: “we changed names, but retained the dreams. We demolished prejudices and con- structed hope. We made mistakes, and record- ed successes. We believed that we were on the right track, even when everyone else had doubts. We tamed the waters and ignited pas- sion. We proved that easy is hard. And that we can together make things easier when they’re at their hardest. We tailored stories and sketched pathways. We have taken breaths away and amassed impressions. That’s because our sto- ries sound great. And joy is only greater when it is shared. Magic is at the heart of Belgrade. Wel- come to the only musical theatre in the region!”
Kada pomislimo na Dubrovnik, slikoviti grad opa- san zidinama na jadranskoj obali Hrvatske, u mislima nam se često pojave slike sunčanih krovova od terakote, užur- bane letnje gužve i svetlucava tirkizna voda. Međutim, postoji dobro čuvana tajna o ovoj zadivljujucoj destinaciji – Dubrovnik je skriveni dragulj u zimskim mesecima. Mir i spokoj Poznat je po svom istorijskom šarmu i zadivljuju- coj arhitekturi, ali tokom vrhunca letnje sezone prolazak kroz gomilu turista može biti naporan. Nasuprot tome, zi- ma unosi mir i spokoj u grad, a mnoga blaga imaćete sa- mo za sebe. Blaga klima Dok veci deo Evrope drhti od oštre zimske hladnoce, Dubrovnik tokom zime uživa u blagoj mediteranskoj klimi. Sa temperaturama koje retko padaju ispod nule, to je ide- alna destinacija za one koji žele da pobegnu od surovog zimskog vremena. Kulturne poslastice Kulturni kalendar grada ostaje aktivan tokom cele go- dine sa pozorišnim predstavama, izložbama i koncertima. Dubrovački zimski festival, koji traje od kraja novembra do početka januara, pretvara grad u čudesnu zemlju sve- tla, svečanosti i tradicionalne hrvatske muzike. To je tako- đe savršeno vreme da uronite u lokalnu kulturu i uhvati- te svečanost Svetog Vlaha početkom februara, koja slavi zaštitnika Dubrovnika. Prirodne lepote Prirodne lepote Dubrovnika nisu ograničene samo na obalu. Zimi možete istražiti okolna sela, uključujuci obli- žnja Elafitska ostrva i veličanstveni region Konavala. Istra- žite izvan zidova jer ova područja nude poglede koji odu- zimaju dah.
Spakujte kofere, prigrlite spokoj i otkrijte skrivene čari Dubrovnika tokom očaravajuce zimske sezone Pack your bags,
embrace the serenity, and discover the
hidden charms of Dubrovnik during the enchanting winter season
ZVEZDARA THEATRE Zvezdara Theatre opened on 8 th October 1984 with a performance of the Al- eksandar Popović play The Spawn of a Carp, under the direction of Dejan Mi- jač. The play of this formerly banned writer, despite being excellent, struggled to find its way to audiences. Two previous attempts to bring the play to life on stage had ended in failure. But for Zvezdara Theatre, which faced a great challenge of its own with its innovative concept, this play represented a wonderful opportuni- ty, and that was recognised by the actors who opted to join the project. The cast of Zvezdara Theatre’s first play comprised Mirjana Karanović, then a new gradu- ate of the academy, Vojislav Brajović, who was already famous for his role as Tihi in the series Written-Off, Bora Todorović, Lazar Ristovski, Rada Đuričin, Gordana Pav- lov and Izet Hajdarhodžić. Despite them having come from different theatre en- sembles, they were all carried on a wave of positive energy that ensured they per- formed as one under the baton of director Mijač. That play has been watched by over a hundred thousand people since that first performance of October 1984, and the success of Zvezdara Theatre has gone down in history and become something of a legend.
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