
MSE | Lighting

Mirror Ball Reflects a pinspot as hundreds of slowly moving stars around the room. Bracket not included. Mains. • 30cm dia 1RPM 9MBMO

H2O Placed well out of reach, it projects an image of flowing multi-coloured water and cycles through 6 colours. Mains. • 25 x 28 x 25cm 9H20

LED Pinspot A bright and tight beam. Mains. • 155 x 85 x 143mm, Weight: 0.55kg 9NLED

Coloured Mirror Ball • 20cm dia 9MBCB8

UV Bar Bright UV illumination from long-lasting LEDs. Mains. • 50 x 5 x 6cm 9UVBAR

UV Carpet A finely woven carpet with a pattern of coloured, fluorescent threads. The carpet is soft to touch and hard wearing. Priced per Square M. • 8mm thick 9UVCT UV Carpet 1pc of bound UV Carpet. • 1m x 1m 9UVCT1

Blackout Curtain • 280 x 200 cm 9BOCT

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