
Noisy Toys | Auditory

Giggleorb - Large Giggle-filled ball with a what sounds like a live mouse inside! Roll the ball and the mouse squeals with delight. Newer models have replaced the mouse with a mechanical squeaker (No animals were harmed during the writing of this text). • 14cm dia 9WIGIL

Giggleorb - Small • 12cm dia 9WIGIS

Footnotes 8 rugged notes that can be spread around. Jump on them to play them. They should not be left outside. • 30cm dia 3FOOT

Activity Centre Small A beautifully crafted double-sided freestanding wooden activity centre that can be used either on the floor or on a table top. Features eight different sensory play activities that children will love to explore. • 35 x 58 x 28cm 6ACNS

Trumpet Steps 6 non-slip discs, 3 of which make a wonderful sound when you step on them. • 33cm dia 6TRST

Stay involved always supervise use


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