
Tactile | Tactile

Gelly Fishy Aquarium Every squish will shift the shoal, but you can guide individual fish about too. • 50 x 30cm 6GLAQ

Air Cushion Small - Red Sit, stand or kneel on this inflatable textured cushion. Each side has a different tactile surface. 250kgs max. • 32cm dia 8ACSM

Air Cushion Large - Orange • 55cm dia 8ACLG

Tactile Bag A set of 20 squares of material with different textures packed in a drawstring cotton bag. • 8 x 8cm pieces 3MTXB

Sensory Mini Mats x6 Non-slip mats with 6 engaging textures: grass; glitter; sandpaper; plush; snake skin; carpet, can also be easily hung on a wall. • 20 x 25cm 6TSMM

Sensory Bead Curtain Tough wooden base above which dangles a curtain of cool metal chains. • 38cm 5LKTBC

Klickity Every action causes a colourful, tactile reaction. 3KLCK

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