
Tactile | Tactile Hands

Inflatable Sensory Trays 3 soft PVC low-sided trays with drain spouts for quick and easy exploration. • 55 x 42 x 8cm 5SIST

Gelli Play 12 Bags of powder each capable of converting 12 litres of water into Gelli. Use less water to make the Gelli more mouldable. Includes White, Green, Blue and Pink Powder. Convert Gelli back into water by adding salt (included). Eco and Child friendly. • 12x 50g bags 5GLP1

Gelli Play2 Red, Orange, Aqua & yellow. • 12x 50g bags 5GLP2 Gelli Play3 Purple, Orange, Pink & Aqua. • 12x 50g bags 5GLP3

Kinetic Sand 98% sand, but it binds together to make making easy. • 5kg 5KNSD

Kinetic Sand Small • 1kg 5KNSD1

Play Foam Combo 8 pots of squishy, squashy, shaping fun. The award-winning bead-like structure can form almost anything, but does not stick to hands, hair, clothes or carpet. Does not dry out. Orange, Blue, Green, Purple, Sparkle Green, Yellow, Pink and Orange. Non-toxic. 5TPFC

Glow In The Dark Playfoam Squashy shapeable blobs that shine in 8 different colours. Completely re-usable and easy to use. 9UVPF

Slippery Spheres Remarkable polymer seeds, expand into gelatinous slippery spheres. Can be dried out and re-used. Disposal options: Down the drain, NO! - in the bin, fine - buried in the garden/plant pot - yes! (that’s what they were designed for). 200g. 5JWBZ

Sno 12 bags of powder, each converts up to 4 litres of water into fluffy eco (and child) friendly Sno. Convert it back into water by adding salt (included). • 12x 50g bags 5SNOW

Blue Slime 5SLMB

Stay involved always supervise use


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