
Proprioception | Massage

Vibrating Floor Pad Vinyl covered foam pad. Five 12v motors. The hand-held controller alters combinations of speed. 12v Power Supply included. • 190 x 90 x 8cm 9VFPD

Take a more hands-on approach to proprioception. This often misunderstood sense is being developed in both the participants, the “amount” we use in massage is appreciated by those we massage.

Foot Massager Combines roller balls with vibration, which can easily be controlled by feet. Requires 2x AA. • 27 x 9 x 17cm 6FTMS

Massage Mat - Non Heated Eight 12V motors inside a padded mat. Choose different combinations of speeds with the hand-held controller. 12v Power Supply included. • 160 x 61cm 9RMPF

Massage Mat Cover Use only with non-heated Mats. 9MMVC

Stay involved always supervise use


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