
Proprioception | Vibration

NEW Vibrating Kit

Our Vibrating Kit provides a great variety of vibrating items to help people stimulate our proprioceptive senses. Massage Mat (Non-heated), Vibrating Ball, Vibrating Roller, Vibrating Snake, Vibrating Soft Cushion and Vibrating Pillow. 9VBK

Proprioception provides us with information regarding the position, orientation and location of our body and its parts - a subconscious body map. An efficient map leads to better orientation, better co-ordination of our movements and helps us maintain posture and balance. Vibration is highly stimulating to our proprioceptive sense.

Vibrating Pillow with Knobs on - Unadapted Version Press to activate. Requires 2x D. • 30cm 3VBVP

Vibrating Hair Brush 2 speed vibrating plastic hairbrush. Reverse side is moulded for massage. Requires 2x AA. • 7 x 21 x 3cm 3VBHB

Neck Massager Fits snuggly and delivers a vibrating massage. Requires 2x AA. • 31 x 30cm 6NKMG

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