
Squease | Proprioception

From being wrapped in swaddling blanket, to being tucked in at bedtime – “Sleep tight!” – to pulling a top tight around shoulders against a dark evening, there is something inherently comforting and calming about being tightly wrapped. Think of it like white noise or a blank canvas for your proprioceptive sense. Weighted products employ ‘Deep Pressure Touch Stimulation’, steady proprioceptive stimulation that balances other sensory “noise”, reducing distraction and the craving to self-stimulate.

Ball Blanket Our deeply calming Ball Blanket has no seams and is made from in hospital-grade bedding material. Very easy to thoroughly clean. • 142 x 82cm 6BLBL

Pea Pod A deep-pressure inflatable vegetable. Designed by a therapist, in durable vinyl. Perfectly calming with clear spatial boundaries. • 152cm 9PEPD

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