
Spinning | Vestibular

A little bit of instability. The body responds; engaging the stabilising muscles of the abdomen in order to maintain balance and control and, when that’s not enough, all the other muscles and movement skills. So wobbly supports help strengthen, improve flexibility, co-ordination, and body awareness.

Rock Around The Rock Around is a fun toy to help kids work on balance and coordination skills! Children will enjoy the sense of motion as they twist and tilt on the Rock Around. There is even room for two smaller children to sit in it together. Encourage kids to spin and rock, or let them have fun and move in whatever way they like! The rocker has an ergonomic rim which prevents fingers from being pinched between the disc and the floor. A great activity to strengthen gross motor development and core stability. Suitable for indoor or outdoor play. • 14 x 75cm dia 8RKAR

Balancing Board Maze 3 colourful wooden balls can be rolled through the labyrinth using feet, legs, balance and patience. • 45 x 30 x 6cm1 6BALA

Giant Top Steep sided cone, less for balancing, more for rolling. Age 3 -10 years. • 82cm dia, Depth 56cm 8GATP

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