
Developmental | Fine Motor Skills

Large Lollipop Jungle Strong plastic stalks with trinkets at the (wooden) base. This tough toy rewards expansive brushing movements and curious exploratory fine motor skills. Supplied flat-packed with lots of trinkets - you can add others. • 40 x 60 x 2cm 6GTLJ

Cannon Ball Fires a foam ball surprisingly far when you stomp on it; brilliant fun. 6CNBL

Small Lollipop Jungle • 30 x 40 x 2cm 6GTSLS

Squeak Drop Box The bears slide noisily down their own tubes. • 17 x 13 x 19cm 3SQDB

Fine motor skills control our hands (feet and face) and all precision fiddly tasks. This range of products offers serious fiddle-ability. A gym-full of fine motor exercises to help strengthen wrists and grips, improve dexterity, finger flexibility and control, and enhance hand-eye co-ordination as you grip and twist, feed and slide, stretch and pinch.

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