
Eye Candy | Visual

Fibre Optic Plume Graceful illuminated fibres. 3x AAA. • 35 x 8.5cm dia 9FOLP

Small, portable, palm- of-the-hand products that mesmerise and distract, the simplest ideas can be the best.

Infinity Mirror Guaranteed to make anyone look out of this world. Requires 3x AA. • 23cm dia 4MINF

NEW Light Kit Small

Our sensory light kit is a perfect addition to a Sensory Den or a darkened environment. It can provide a calming effect to help people relax and de-stress: Kaleidoscope Lamp, Star Lamp Projector, Fibre Optic Plume, Moonlight Pillow, Aquariround & Interactive Tiles. 9LKS

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