
Fibre Optics | MSE

100 Fibre Optic Tails 100 tactile illuminated strands. 91MSG

200 Fibre Optic Tails 200 soft and highly flexible side-emitting lights. • 2m 92MSG 400 Fibre Optic Tails Take it to the max with this huge array, 400 tails of various lengths up to 4m! • 4m 94MSG There are many variations of Fibre Optics. All of them provide great visual stimulation and offer scope for a tremendous tactile experience. All TFH light sources are switch-operated so enjoyment can lead to activity. Fibre Optics can define a space within which the rules can be a little different or they can provide an opening; Wearing Fibre Optics as a scarf, the most tactile defensive among us may allow others into their space to look at the tails.

Fibre Optic Shelf - Accessory Attached to a wall this acrylic shelf with holes for 200 fibre Optic Strands will convert a set of tails into a wonderful hanging display. • 50cm wide 9WMFOS

Fibre Optic Shelf - Wide • 120cm wide 9WMFOL

100 UV Fibre Optic Tails 100 pliable and brightly coloured strands that react strongly under UV light and are lit from within by a light source. • 2m 9UVMS

Sparkle Light Source Our LED light source is included with all our Fibre Optic Tails. includes a colour wheel to give the popular sparkle effect. Add a receiver to control by Bluetooth. 12v Power Supply included. • 18 x 10 x 8cm 9FOLS 12 Jumbo Tails 12 extra thick side emitting tails are fun to handle and never get horribly tangled up. 91MJT

200 UV Fibre Optic Tails • 2m 9UVMS2

18 Jumbo Tails 18 Longer tails. • 2m 92MJT

12 UV Jumbo Tails 12 thick but bendy brightly coloured tails that react powerfully to UV light and are also illuminated from within. 91MJTU

Light Source Wall Sconce Hang at any height on the wall to let Fibre Optics tails flow down across laps, shoulders or heads. Fibre Optics and Light Source not supplied. • W33 x H43 x D25cm 9FOBXN

18 UV Jumbo Tails 18 longer tails. • 2m 92MJTU

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