
MSE | Fibre Optics

Fibre Optic Waterfall A column of light hangs from a suspended square (which fits perfectly into a suspended ceiling). Great fun to be inside. Includes Sparkle Light source and hanging assembly. 12v Power Supply included. • 180 x 60cm square 9FOWL

Fibre Optic Curtain Includes a Sparkle Light Source and hanging assembly. • 180 x 90cm 9WFOC

Fibre Optic Carpet Shining points of light scattered against a dark background. Usually fixed to a wall. Includes a Light Source. • 120 x 120cm 9FOCP12 Fibre Optic Carpet - Large • 200 x 120cm 9FOCP20

UV Fibre Optic Curtain 100 UV tails. • 183 x 90cm 9UVWFOC

Wall Mounted Fibre Optic Curtain Bracket allows the Fibre Optic Curtain to swing against a wall or through 90 degrees into the space. • 183 x 90cm 9WFOCB

Stariflex Knotted Fibre Optic Tails A jumbo sized fibre cable ( 12 tails ) which is even easier for people of all ages to hold and play with. Price includes the Light Source (9FOLS). • 12 tails. 2m 9KNFP

Fibre Optic Ceiling Kit 120 extra-thin strands which can be poked through ceiling tiles (not included) to create a sparkling starry effect. 12v Power Supply included. • 60cm2 9FOCTL

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