
MSE Genie |MSE

NEW Crayon Controller

Built with our Pixels reward in mind this robust wall-mounted colour line-up is Bluetooth enabled and a fully fledged member of our Genie family of controllers. • 55 x 10 x 7cm 9PXLC

Controller Cube Cute A smaller cuter cube. • 18cm Cube 9BCCCS

Musical Squares Floor Pad Switch Big floor pad to control the colours of an Interactive reward. Press to send signal (8). • 90 x 140 x 8cm 9MSQRM

Genie Cube Our first computer interfacing switch. Simple to use, simple to set up, but with very exciting opportunities. 9GCRX

Our Controllers can be used by themselves or alongside our MSE Genie App. Switched to Magpie a Controller will grab every Reward it can, controlling them directly. Switched to Genie our Controller sends its signals to an iPad (or iPhone). Use our simple app to point the Controller at different rewards, meaning that control relationships are extremely fluid and interesting. In either case the more Controllers and Rewards you have the more interesting you can make your Control environment!

NEW Firework Controller

Tree Controller 8 switches concealed in the foliage. • 150 x 75cm 9CTRE

A giddying array - so many buttons, so many options. Our buttons are made in Japan and are made to be “mashed”, but they respond beautifully to discerning decision making too. 9GBTC

Podium Controller 8 Colour switches incorporated into a Podium top. • 90 x 90cm 9SQPD

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