MICRO ORGANISMS CAN HAVE BIOLOGIC ACTIVITY IN THE HOST When we want to achieve the most nourishing food outcomes, we need to maximize nutrients, while minimizing anti-nutrients, toxins, and agricultural pollutants. In general, fermenting foods increases the nutrient content and the bioavailability of nutrients, decreases anti-nutrients (phytic acid, lectins, oxalic acid, tannins), toxins (heavy metals and mycotoxins), and agricultural pollutants (glyphosate and other herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and fumigants). Glyphosate, for example, is reduced by 65% in sauerkraut compared to pre-fermentation levels on the cabbage according to one lab we talked to. “There are other potential health benefits we plan to study as well. For example, post-biotics: “non-viable bacterial products or metabolic products from microorganisms that have biologic activity in the host.” Tim Richards philosopher foods source

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