The Horse Adjutant

The Horse Adjutant

Grybow Jewish Artifacts

sive killing site -- 600,000 people. My whole family was buried there, as well as almost all of the Galician Jews. And even though I was deeply saddened, I was also solemnly aware of the vow my father gave me, ‘If you should survive you must find the bones of our family.” Not too many people even know about Belzec, because once the mass ex- terminations were completed, it was covered up in an attempt to erase what happened. Belzec was different than most other camps because it was not a concentration camp. It was an extermination camp. There was no selection, only gas chambers, and large pits to toss the bodies into. There was no need for selection. Everyone waited to be destroyed. The people were coaxed into showers, the doors were locked, and poison gas was released, killing all the victims. I am only aware of one Jewish survivor. Most of the murders occurred in a single year. (50,000 a month) I walked around the nearby town and talked to the local people. They told me that Belzec belongs to the Jews and that if they want to take care of it, they should. When I returned home, I started to put a plan into place to rescue Belzec from obscurity by leveraging my connections at the South Florida Holocaust Association. Through them,


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