The Horse Adjutant

Stephen Shooster I learned of a man in Washington, Jacek Novakowsky, who handles memorials in dif- ferent countries. On our official letterhead, I wrote a memorandum to him describing the negligence of Belzec and the urgent need to do something about it before it will be completely forgotten. He read my letter and contacted the Polish ambassador. They said they would be willing to do something, but most of the money would have to come from Jewish sources. The project floundered for many years. Until, eventually, the Halberstam rabbin- ate at the American Jewish Committee got involved. The funding followed, and the museum opened in June 2004. During the opening ceremony, all of the European Governments sent dedications. I wish there was nowhere on earth like Belzec. In Poland, there are many. Walking around these grounds is profoundly sad. Today the site is fully restored. In the process of preparing the museum, an archeological team worked there for 2 years. With the help of this expert team, 32 mass graves were preserved and artifacts recovered. Large walls of concrete have been built around each killing pit. The pits are filled with dirt and bones and topped with a volcanic rock that looks uninviting. Fragments of barbed wire have been added to the design. As a monument, I have never seen anything like it. The whole complex is about 6 acres square. You cannot walk on the volcanic rocks. Walkways surround the perimeter and go through the center. While walking around there, I cried. This is where my dreams turned into dust before the monument was created. In recognition of my effort in the creation of the Belzec monument, I was honored by the Broward County Commission on February, 5th, 2004. They officially declared February, 22nd Leon Schagrin Appreciation Day. My one disappointment is that the ‘March of the Living,’ does not take tours here. I want that to change as they should see this place. It is my sincere wish that everyone that learns my story takes up the task to never let it happen again. My father said, “Make sure the world hears our story.” Remember, you can no longer avoid your responsibility for doing your part to seeing that such horrors go uncontested or unopposed. I survived to warn you of the ever-present danger of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, and all the other manifestations of evil that still afflict the human condition. The rest is up to you.


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