The Horse Adjutant

Stephen Shooster

The White River Swollen with Spring Floods Notice the Crest of the Waves

People came from all over to enjoy the region’s splendor. Tourism was enabled with good roads, fast trains, and world-class resorts. The closest resorts were located nearby in the famous town of Krynica. Back then Krynica had a ski lift, making it easy to enjoy skiing. Our region became a favorite destination for sports clubs from the big cities. This was good for business. We supplied them with all kinds of things, including basics like eggs, butter, milk, and chicken. Many a horse and carriage would travel up the hill and into the valley with deliveries. In its role of supporting Krynica, Grybow was a gateway town, the last stop before the resorts. One of the more exciting things tourists could do was glide all the way down one of the trails away from Krynica to Grybow, a full 6 miles! It was quite a spectacle to see. I remember seeing some of those tourists on their skis. They were easy to spot, unmistakably dressed in fancy winter clothing. Since you could glide all the way down the hill that also meant merchants going to Krynica had to take their horses and wagons uphill all the way the other direction, and on the way home, these poor merchants had to go downhill, which was not nearly as elegant as the skiers, bor- dering on comedy.


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