Movers & Shakers going to be,” Mr. Christenson says. “I want to see our industry move from doing transactional work to doing transformative work. The idea is to advance the science of urban villages.”
Len Murray, President & CEO, is pleased to announce the following Principal and Associate appointments in our Alberta operations. To see the full list of Principal and Associate appointments go to Welcome to our new Principal: Tim Keegan, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Looking to the future is what Robert Driver, P.Eng., PhD , is focused on in his new role at the University of Alberta Faculty of Engineering. In October, Dr. Driver was announced as the new Supreme Steel Professor in Structural Engineering Education and Innovation, a new position at the U of A. “It’s really about people. We need to imagine where structural engineering design will be 10 or 20 years from now so the people who will be at the peak of their careers are prepared. We need to think of what the industry will be like 20 years from now,” Dr. Driver says in a news release. At the announcement, Dr. Driver was also announced as the director of the newly established Canadian Institute of Steel Construction Centre for Steel Structures Education and Research. The centre is supported by Supreme Steel, DIALOG , and Waiward Steel , among other companies.
T im is a Senior Geotechnical I Geological Engineer and Manager of our Edmonton office. Tim has over 30 years domestic and international design, construction and operations experience for roads, railway, water resource and tailing dams, environmental, pipeline and mining projects. He leads our design projects, regulatory approvals, and construction management for railway infrastructure across North America, and for geohazard I ground-hazard risk management programs.
Welcome to our new Associates:
Calgary residents Deanna Burgart, P.Eng. , and Pamela Beaudin P.Eng. , are fusing their indigenous backgrounds with their engineering careers, to form a company focused on building relationships between Aboriginal communities and engineering companies. “We could be indigenous, we could be women, we could be engineers, and we could bring that to work and bridge those gaps. Our indigenous perspective of respect for Mother Earth, culture, balance is part of who we are. We want to help blend that,” the Saskatoon StarPhoenix quoted Ms. Burgart saying. At the 2016 World Indigenous Business Forum in August in Saskatoon, Ms. Burgart announced the creation of the company — Indigenous Engineering Inclusion Inc. — in partnership with Ms. Beaudin. Ms. Burgart is a member of the Fond du Lac Denesuline First Nation in Saskatchewan. Ms. Beaudin is Métis and also hails from Saskatchewan.
Chris Grapel, M.Eng., P.Eng. Chris is a Civil I Geotechnical Engineer with over 20 years of experience in dams, water resources, mining and transportation (highways and railways) engineering and construction. He joined KCB in 2012 and has worked in both our Edmonton, Alberta and Lima, Peru offices. Chris is currently responsible for the Edmonton Civil Projects group, and the expansion of our services with the Alberta government, City of Edmonton, mining and utility clients. Robert Cheetham, P.Eng. Rob is a Senior Civil Engineer with over 20 years of international experience in the civil, water resources, river engineering and floodplain mapping, hydrological and hydraulic analysis and surface water management for private and municipal clients. Rob is responsible for managing and coordinating projects for the City of Calgary, TransAlta and SaskPower, developing conceptual and feasibility designs, preparing design documentation and reports, and providing support during construction.
It’s widely recognized that light trail transit systems are an environmentally friendly way to move people around their cities. Thanks to two APEGA Members, Edmonton’s LRT system may become even more energy efficient – by incorporating the good old flywheel, a piece of mechanical technology that’s certainly been around awhile Pierre Mertiny, P.Eng., PhD , and Marc Secanell, P.Eng., PhD , of the University of Alberta Faculty of Engineering, have been researching the use of flywheels and how they could bring savings to transit system operators.
.!" I BM E A S NT AGED COMPANIES Platinum member
KCB is an international engineering, geoscience and environmental consulting firm with offices in Canada, Australia, Peru and Brazil.
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