Movers & Shakers
has already made a positive impact. In her role as an environmental engineer involved in government relations, Ms. Stephens helps shape Encana’s climate policies and align them with industry and government. When Alina Gabdrakhmanova, P.Eng. , of Calgary, discusses her passion for the pipeline industry in her role as co-founder of the Young Pipeliners Association of Canada, she speaks from experience. The Russian-born engineer currently works for WorleyParsons , but she got her start in pipelines by working on one of the world’s largest integrated oil and gas projects, Russia’s Sakhalin-II. During his four years as President of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Calgary chapter, Jarrett Dragani, P.Eng. , raised close to a quarter million dollars for the society’s scholarship program. A petroleum engineer at Cenovus Energy , Mr. Dragani also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of The Way Ahead magazine, a publication that supports SPE’s work. In her role as a project manager for TransCanada , Miriam Clark, P.Eng. , of Calgary, balances multiple priorities as she helps the company plan and develop new pipeline projects. Ms. Clark is also an active volunteer in the community, devoting time to the Calgary Folk Music Festival. With the provincial government committed to having up to 30 per cent of Alberta’s electricity produced by renewable means by 2030, solar power in the province is poised to grow. David Vonesch, P.Eng. , is at the forefront of this growth as the Chief Operating Officer of SkyFire Energy , an Alberta company that has installed over 45 per cent of the province's grid-tied solar units. Vicki Lightbown, P.Eng. , of Edmonton, is linked to the sustainability side of Alberta’s movement towards global leadership in energy production. As a senior manager in water and environmental management at Alberta Innovates – Energy and Environment Solutions , Ms. Lightbown addresses herself to environmental challenges facing Alberta’s energy sector.
In the July edition of the academic journal Energy , Dr. Mertiny — the 2015 recipient of APEGA's Excellence in Education Summit Award — and Dr. Secanell explain that flywheels could produce energy savings of 31 per cent and cost savings of 11 per cent on Edmonton’s LRT system. Edmonton’s trains currently use dynamic braking, employing traction motors on wheels. This deceleration generates energy, which is released into the air. A flywheel system would capture the energy for conversion to electricity, which would then be used by the train when it leaves the station. “Hannover [the city in Germany] is already testing flywheel technology for just this purpose. They have banks of flywheels at each station to capture and re-use the electricity generated when their trains come into the station,” Dr. Mertiny said.
fall when the city’s Anthony Henday Drive was officially completed. After five years of construction, the north- east portion of the province’s first ring road was opened on October 1. AECOM Canada, Stantec, MMM Group, Amec Foster Wheeler, EBA Engineering , and COWI North Amer- ica , along with other partners, were responsible for delivering the project on schedule. Portions of Anthony Henday Drive handle over 105,000 vehicles daily, making it one of the busiest roadways in Western Canada. Total cost of the 26-year, 80-kilometre road, various online and print sources say, is over $4 billion. Planning began in the 1950s. ENGINEERS WELL REPRESENTED IN TOP 35 UNDER 35 Alberta Oil magazine’s Top 35 Under 35 recognizes young leaders in the province making an impact in the energy sector. Six APEGA Members are on this year’s list. Lindsay Stephens, P.Eng. , of Calgary, has been with Encana for a mere four years, but in that time she
Thanks to a variety of APEGA Permit Holders, Edmonton residents rejoiced this
RING AROUND A CITY Edmonton’s Anthony Henday Drive consists of 80 kilometres of free-flowing road encircling the city — and it’s now complete. -photo courtesy Capital City Link General Partnership
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