US POSTMASTER: PEG (ISSN 1923-0044) is published quarterly in Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta, c/o US Agent-Transborder Mail 4708 Caldwell Rd E, Edgewood, WA 98372-9221. $15 of the annual membership dues applies to the yearly subscription of The PEG. Periodicals postage paid at Puyallup, WA, and at additional mailing offices. US POSTMASTER, send address changes to PEG c/o Transborder Mail, PO Box 6016, Federal Way, WA 98063-6016, USA. The publisher has signed an affiliation agreement with the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency. Please return Canadian undeliverables to: APEGA, 1500 Scotia One, 10060 Jasper Ave., Edmonton, AB T5J 4A2. Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40062712
VOLUME 7 | NUMBER 4 | WINTER 2016 (Print) ISSN 1923-0044 (Online) ISSN 1923-0052
Opinions published in The PEG do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of APEGA or its Council. Inquiries:
Editor George Lee
COUNCIL President Dr. Steve E. Hrudey , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), FCAE, FSRA (Canmore) President-Elect Jane Tink , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) (Okotoks) Vice-President John Rhind , P.Geol. (Calgary) Past-President Connie Parenteau , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) ( St. Albert) Councillors Natasha Avila , P.Eng. (Cold Lake)
EXECUTIVE Interim Chief Executive Officer Heidi Yang , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) Director, Executive & Government Relations Pat Lobregt , FEC (Hon.), FGC (Hon.) Director of Operations Krista Nelson-Marciano , BA
REGULATORY Registrar Carol Moen , P.Eng.
Dr. Jeff DiBattista , P.Eng., MBA (Edmonton) Lisa Doig , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) (Calgary) Jennifer Enns , P.Eng. (Calgary) George Eynon , P.Geo., FGC, FEC (Hon.) (Calgary) Darren Hardy , P.Eng. (Calgary) Dr. Brad Hayes , P.Geol., FGC (Calgary) Dr. Timothy Joseph , P.Eng., FCIM (Edmonton) Mahsoo Naderi-Dasoar , P.Eng., M.Sc., PMP (Calgary) Manon Plante , P.Eng., MDS, CD1 (St. Albert)
MEMBER SERVICES Acting Director, Member Services Mohamed El Daly , M.Sc.
COMMUNICATIONS Director, Communications Philip Mulder , APR, FCPRS, FEC (Hon.), FGC (Hon.)
CORPORATE SERVICES Director, Corporate Services D.S. (Pal) Mann , P.Eng.
Art Washuta , P.Eng. (Edmonton) Terry Waters , P.Eng. (Calgary) Public Representatives Ross J. Harris , FCA, ICD.D Mary Phillips-Rickey , F CA
HEAD OFFICE 1500 Scotia One
10060 Jasper Avenue NW Edmonton AB T5J 4A2 PH 780-426-3990 TOLL FREE 1-800-661-7020 FAX 780-426-1877
NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Engineers Canada Directors Connie Parenteau , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) Larry Staples , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) Geoscientists Canada Director George Eynon , P.Geo., FGC, FEC (Hon.) BRANCH CHAIRS Calgary Johnathon Bain, P.Eng. Central Alberta Stephen Huber , P.Eng. Edmonton Bob Rundle , P.Eng. Fort McMurray Jason Vanderzwaag , P.Eng. Lakeland Hannah Maynard , E.I.T. Lethbridge Olivia Sieniewicz , P.Eng. Medicine Hat Said Said Yussuf , P.Eng. Peace Region Brian Morrison , P.Eng. Vermilion River Kashif Dada , P.Eng. Yellowhead Ana Paula Mayumi Tanaka , P.Eng.
CALGARY OFFICE 2200 Scotia Centre
700 Second Street SW Calgary AB T2P 2W1 PH 403-262-7714 TOLL FREE 1-888-262-3688 FAX 403-269-2787
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