King's Business - 1927-06


June 19Z7

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Tchijovsky then related some of the events to which he alluded. He pointed out the fall of the Moors in Spain, the discovery of America, the Russian revolution, the French revolution, the long series of insurrections of 1306 to 1916, the crusades, the great migrations of nations, persecutions of the Christians, St. Bartholomew’s mass­ acre, the downfall of Byzantium, the activities of Alaric, Cromwell, Richelieu, Washington and Lenin, etc., etc. “In 1927 to 1929, when the 11-year period of sunspot activity attains its maximum and when this maximum will coincide with the maxima of two other periods of 60 years and 35 years, there will be a great human activity of the highest historical importance, which may change the polit­ ical chart of the world.” Students of prophecy have had no reason to think, as dòes Henry Ford, that war is doomed. Human nature has not changed ; the truth of God is being more and more rejected, even by churches; the end of the age fast ap­ proaches ; Satan knows that his time is short ; and man bends all his energies to contriving diabolical instruments of destruction. The age will not end in a Sunday School picnic, but in great tribulation and the coming of the Lord. The true Christian can only pray, “Come quickly, Lord Jesus,” and as he prays, work untiringly for the completion of the Body of Christ. “People will realize that war is economical suicide,” says Mr. Ford. Alas, they have known it for many a cen­ tury ! About two years before thè World War, Norman Angeli wrote a remarkable book called “The Great Illu­ sion.” It showed that in this day of international banking and far-flung credits, no country could ruin any other country without ruining itself in the process. The book was translated into every language in Europe and had an enormous sale. They read it, believed it, and then went into the most terrible ‘conflict of history.

crippled dwarf more potent than the strength of the mightiest armored giant,” says Albert Payson Terhune in “The American,” “and almost every invention from that hour on has been directly or indirectly aimed at dis­ counting mere muscular power, by devising some easy substitute for bulk and for brute' strength. Machinery, electricity, gas, steam—all the rest of the muscle-saving contrivances—are a whack at the Big Guy.” The next war will be a test of hellish machinery, and will spread ruin and death over vast areas within an hour’s time. When the devices perfected since the World War are put info operation, it will hot take long to reduce con­ tinental Europe to an ashheap. The nations fully realize it, yet are heading straight for it. “From the habit of years,” says Harry Carr, the newswriter, “they have become so enmeshed in hatred and suspicion that the case seems hopeless.' There is nothing for America to do but turn her own face to the sunlight and abandon them to their hatreds.” But it may not be so easy to do this. m . m Sunspot Activity—1927 to 1929 I N connection with the fast-gathering war clouds, the recent declaration, of Prof. Tchijovsky, of the Uni­ versity of Moscow, before the American Association of Scientists, is interesting: “The fluctuations of history are synchronous with the fluctuations in the physico-chemical processes of the sun’s substances. Investigation shows that human life reaches its fullest development at times of maxima of sunspot activity. During the first period of the minimum of ex­ citability, there is a lack of unity in the human masses and an indifference to political and military questions. People are tolerant in the second period, when excitement has grown. The people begin to unite. New leaders appear. Political and military orators make their stand. It all re­ sults in the masses of people becoming impatient and nervous. This is the period of maximum excitability in each cycle, which gives solutions to the greatest problems of humanity. This period inspires nations to the greatest insanities as well as the greatest achievements. The most prominent events in human history occur in this-period. The last period is the subsidence of the excitability.”

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