King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

The Case Against Krishnamurti B y R ev . W m . C. K leindienst

T HIS man is the protégé of a coterie whose record is unsavory. He is the weak tool of a clique who are out for a daring adventure of false religious aggrandizement. Notice— 1. He is indicted as having been prominent in one of the most disgusting cases heard in a British Court of Law. Mr. Justice Bakewell, in the Madras High Court in April, 1913, characterized his tutor as “an immoral person unfit to be in charge of the boys.” Mrs. Besant said,, “If the Court ordered the boys to be handed over, it would mean that the shocking allegations were true, and after that Krishnamurti would become ruined in character, a moral and social outcast.” The “Maharatta” newspaper com­ ments: “Can even the most original of minds, conceive of a more ludicrous setting for the second coming of Christ than the close guardianship of the blighting arms of a professor of Onanism ?” Krishnamurti is still associated with these people. He has not repudiated the filth against which his father laid such gross charges in the Madras Court, and which that Court upheld. C laims R est on F limsy B asis 2. He is asserted to be the Messiah on the flimsy basis of Theosophical Revelation derived from Mahatmas or Mediums. This Occultism is condemned in Holy Writ. “Regard not them that have familiar spirits to be defiled by them.” Lev. 19:31; Deut. >18:9-12. Mrs. Besant admitted fraud in her 1891 “Apologia” to the London Freethinkers, and stated that Mr. Judge, the forger, had enticed her Mahatma to defraud her. Experts declare that the letters that Mme. Blavatsky affirmed she received from her two Mahatmas were all in the same handwriting and trickery as was found in the Cabinet where these let­ ters were. To announce their Messiah on the crooked methods of Mahatmic Mediums is to discredit him in the eyes of all Christians. Spiritistic methods are spurious and fradu- lent—the seed plot of professional trickery. T he R e - I ncarnation N otion 3. He is asserted to be Christ reincarnate. Reincarnation is not taught in the Bible. Neither Judaism nor Christianity teach it. Theosophy has stolen it from the native races. The Aryans and even Australian aboriginals have crude reincarnation beliefs. Theosophy says we reincarnate from the Devachanic or Spirit state to earth until perfected.' The Messiah reincarnates also. Mrs. Besant in “The Coming of a World Teacher” states that Vyasa of the Aryans, Thoth of Egypt, Zarathustra of the Iranians, Orpheus of the Greeks, Buddha, Christ and Krishnamurti are the one and the same “Mighty One.” No westerner can accept such an empty unauthoritative statement. The best intelligence of the East spurns it. It is alien to Christ’s teaching; it is a travesty on the sec­ ond coming of Christ. “Theosophy stands or falls with the belief in reincar­ nation.” • But Mme. Blavatsky denies it in “Isis Unveiled,” Vol. 1, p. 351, thus ^ “Reincarnation, i.e., the appearance of the same individual twice on the same planet, is not a

rule in nature: it is an exception, like the teratologiCal phenomenon of a two-headed infant. It occurs only in the case of congenital and incurable idiocy. If reason has been developed, there is no reincarnation on this earth.” Krishnamurti is then not a reincarnate Christ, but back again because of some physical or mental deficiency when on earth before. The reader will note the absurdity of the whole business. H e I s A R ubber S tamp 4. He has been humanly trained since boyhood on the basis and practice- of clairvoyant trances and hypnotic influence. Maskelyne sees in him a splendid subject, but feared he would weaken through regular trances. Does the Messiah need this sort of training so repulsive to sanity, culture, morality and religion? This was the class of “evil spirit” that the Christ regularly “cast out.” 5. He is dependent on masters or mediums for inspira­ tion. His book, “At the Feet of the Master,” he says is dictated by a master. “These are not my words; they are the words of the Master Who taught me; without Him I could have done nothing.” This is indeed a pitiful admis­ sion for the “Mighty One” to make. Is this the Christ “Who spoke with authority” ? 6. He is not a Teacher, but a mouthpiece. Wm. Hare, a member of the National Council of Theosophists, stated: “There is nothing left for Krishnamurti to do after receiv­ ing a salary of several hundreds of pounds, yearly, except to obediently ■ pretend that he is the Messiah and preach a new religion, which is the Liberal Catholic Creed, drafted long before the advent of Krishnamurti.” Thus we see him the marionette of a daring group of adventurers who are using him as their puppet in this mock drama of reli­ gious imposture. T esting H im B y J esus C hrist 7. He has “come up some other way” than foretold by Christ in the New Testament. (a) Christ is to come secretly. “Of that day and hour knoweth no man.” Matt. 24. (b) Christ is to appear as He was. “This same Jesus shall eorne.” Acts 1-2. “This same Jesus,” not a Hindu Theosophist, nor a Denomina- tionalist, but the same magnificent Being of divine dignity and peerless power. Not one associated with such an evil historic,setting as Krishnamurti. (c) Christ will come suddenly and unexpectedly. “I come quickly.” Rev. 3. C. W. Leadbetter. in “The Christ, the World Saviour,” refers, to the time as “Fourteen years, twenty years,” etc. This apostate Messiah has trifled about too long and ignobly.. ' 8. He is akin to the Anti-Christ, “the man of sin,” in Paul’s 2 Thess. 2. This man must precede the second coming. Krishnamurti is really the first man to lay abso­ lute claim to being Christ, and thus is like “that man of sin, who exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. That day shall not come except there come a Jailing away first and that man of sin be revealed.” 2 Thess. 2.

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