King's Business - 1927-06


June 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s - B u s i n e s s


soul’s condition, he bitterly resented the question and would have nothing to do with the Christian .worker. Accustomed to such rebuffs, this young lady did not give up, but returned in a few days-to this man’s cell only to find him absents? Leaving a Gospel on the chair, open to a salvation passage clearly marked, she went on her way to deal with others. Upon returning to his cell, finding the Gospel, the man threw it upon the, floor, but not able to rest, picked it up again, and read the marked passage. It was like an arrow thrust into his soul, and mighty conviction came upon the man, which caused hiih to accept Christ as his personal Saviour. A few days later upon returning, the Chris­ tian worker found a changed man, for now the one who had insulted her the first time he was asked to accept Christ, was ready to witness .for Him and soughtSlor added light. The young lady recommended that he take up a systematic study of God’s Word through a Correspondence Course from the School she so much loved. Mr. Carter, for that was this man’s name, was soon enrolled as a student in the Beginners’ Course and submitted perfect work on every examination, re- .ceiving the Institute certificate with a 100 per cent record. Becom­ ing an ardent student of the Word, Mr. Carter longed that other men in similar circumstances might come to know the Lord. Soon after his conversion, he founded what is now known as “The Word of Life Association,” an Association for the distribution of religious literature among prisoners. When released Mr. Carter entered definite Christian work, and is now religious director of the jails in the County of Los Angeles, having head­ quarters at the County Jail in the City of Los Angeles. Recently Mr. Carter placed an order for 200 sets of the same course “which he took, to be used in his work among the men. The Iiappy sequel to this story is that the. young lady who was instru­ mental in leading Mr. Carter to the Lord is now Mrs. Carter. — o — A Broken Home R e -un ited Through Prayer F OR months friends of the work of M. H. Reynolds, Super­ intendent of our Shop team work, have been praying for the re-establishing of a home that had been broken up because of direct disobedience to the Lord. Mr. Reynolds had dealt with both parties and it seemed as though God had wonderfully answered prayer, for both had

agreed that the thing to do, was for the wife to’-come and with the “’husband adjust anything, that might have been wrong, whether they lived together or not. They hadn’t seen each other for several months and it was agreed that Mr. Reynolds should arrange the meeting. One day recently, as Mr. Reynolds came in from the Shop meeting, who should be in his office, but the wife, who had been in the East for some time. After talking to her, it was decided that a meeting should be arranged at once; God was working, there was no doubt of that. Words cannot describe the worker’ at what took place. Having been led to confess their great wrong to the Lord, how easy it was for them to confess their wrong to one another! They were out at Church the next Sunday, and the expression of their faces told the story. — o — W itnessing On a French Oil Tanker A FRENCH Oil-Tanker was tied up for a few days for re­ pairs at San Pedro. A personal visit to the Captain insured our worker, Claude H. Pearson, opportunity for a meeting aboard. Our French Bible woman, Madam Rolyea, went with Mr. Pearson to give the message. Arriving on the ship they were greeted by the Captain who turned them, over to a Christian officer. This.was a happy surprise. He invited the workers to have supper. All through the. meal, another officer endeavored to force upon them the sparkling liquid so common to a French­ man. After the meal a number of men were gathered in the mess-room and there around the tables Madame Rolyea pro­ claimed the message of the Lord Jesus. Men listened attentively and were happy to receive the literature afterward. They had a blessed time of prayer with the officer. He told the workers that during the war he had been in camp with another French officer who showed him a copy of Dr. Blackstone’s “Jesus is Coming” and he was undoubtedly saved through the reading of this book. — o — Testim ony Borne on a Japanese Vessel A LARGE Japanese vessel was in the harbor over night. Steer­ age passengers are not permitted to go ashore. Some fine Jap­ anese Christians living in San Pedro were able to help our work-

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