King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Mrs. Job I T is thought that Mrs. Job was so loyal to her husband that she could not see him suffer 1 without expressing her feelings about the providence of God in . his trials,” writes E. W. Caswell. Like many since her day, it was difficult for her to witness the suffering of a noble character without apparent cause. Job’s, vision was clearer than hers; he believed in his Vindicator|Bhe was a light in the clouds; he was willing to wait for future, explanations , abbut his reverses,- The wife confessed her helplessness when she- recommended death as the only relief. She had no intention' of uttering blas­ phemy or atheism in her words. She had suffered as well as her husband and was now trying to find a way out of her,des­ pair. She confessed her inability to solve the problem of evil in the lives of the good. To her it was an unexplainable mystery. She did not hate God nor lose faith in Job, who lovingly replied, “Shall. we receive good from the hand of the Lord and not evil?” What seems evil in the outcome may be the greatest good, or be made to work together for good. We must trust where we cannot trace, endure when we know not why. He will make our footsteps plain at the end of the way. Mrs. Job no doubt rejoiced with her husband in the final victory. She first be­ lieved in Job and afterwards in God. It may be well for those of weaker faith to cling to those higher in the ways of God. a ? What Harm Is It? Someone is always saying: “I see no harm in an innocent game of cards.” Perchance in some cases no harm would result, but here are some plain facts brought out by a daily paper: “Nine tenths of all gambling is done with cards.” . . -S. ■ ;•: “Nine tenths of the gamblers of today learned to play cards in their own homes.” “There are church members who know more about handling cards than they do the Bible.” “The cards and the dance are a greater enemy to the spiritual life of the church than th? saloon ever was.” “If my boy turns out to be a gambler,” says this secular writer, “he can never say he saw a pack of cards in our home.” The advice that John Wesley’s mother gave him when he was in college would settle many a question of what is right and wrong for Christians: “Would you judge of the lawfulness of a pleasure, take this rule: Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tender­ ness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes away the relish of spiritual things;. whatever increases the authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin.”.

Unii REDGOSPELOFJOHN” Two letters came to us recently enclosing orders for “the little red Gospel of John.” The writer of the first said: “ I am enclosing check to cover th e cost of 2333 copies of the little re d Gospel of John. A t o u r C o unty C onvention we voted to c a n ­ vass th e c o u n ty a n d p lace a Gospel of John in every hom e. “W e ask y o u r p ra y e rs a n d those of T he K ing’s Business Fam ily th a t this m ay be done in a w ay th a t will glorify o u r L ord.“ T he o th er le tte r said: “K indly send m e 500 m ore copies of th e re d Gospel of Joh n .* * I give them to a friend of m ine w ho is an evangelist, a n d he gives them to all w ho a ccep t th e L ord Jesus C hrist in his m eetings. A p ictu re of th e evangelist is pasted in th e inside fro n t cover, m aking a very a ttrac tiv e gift for a new co n v ert.“ This Special Edition has some New and Unique Features A ll o l th e FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES of OUR FA ITH a re found in th e Gospel of John, and these a re classified in th e b ack of th e book. CHA PTER TITLES a n d DIVISIONS m ake it easy to com prehend. ALL NECESSARY INFORMATION for DEALING W ITH TH E UNSAVED is given, an d th e passages cited a re all from the GOS­ PEL O F JOHN . BOYS AND GIRLS a re using them to w in th e ir playm ates fo r C hrist. ONE MANUFACTURING CONCERN IN TH E MIDDLE WEST ord ered 2 0 0 0 to dis­ trib u te am ong its em ployees. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS an d SU ­ PERINTENDENTS a re finding it a m eans of crea tin g a re al revival in school an d ch u rch . IT PROV IDES THE MOST SIMPLE, PRACTICAL, EFFECT IVE METHOD O F EVANGELISM, fo r it is th e WORD O F GOD, and th a t can never fail to p ro ­ duce results. W ith it, every C h ristian m ay becom e a soul-w inner, fo r the Gospel of John w as w ritten for this definite, specific p u rp o se: “B ut these are w ritten, th a t ye m ig h t believe th a t Jesus is th e C hrist, th e Son of God; an d th a t believing ye m ight have life th ro u g h H is nam e“ (Jo h n 2 0 :3 1 ). Single Copies, 5c; 100 copies, $4.00 BIOLA BOOK ROOM 536-558 S outh H ope S treet, Los A ngeles, Calif. USE TH IS COUPON Biola Book Room



I f you have not already seen this “LITTLE RED GOSPEL OF JOHN " Send 5 cents for a sample copy.

536-558 S. H ope St., Los A ngeles, Calif.

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