King's Business - 1927-06


June 1927

T h e - ' K i n g *s'

B u s i n e s s


Our Literature Table WHAT TO PURCHASE AT BIOLA BOOK ROOM !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Any church, school or class can publish a parish paper by using our co-operative plan. A parish paper fills empty pews, keeps community informed, speeds up church work. Free Samples and Particulars. Our plan provides a paper for your church without cost to you. The National Religious Press Grand Rapids, Mich.

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The Religion of an Electrical Engineer G eorge D. S hepardson , A.M. j M.E., Sc.D. There is a general impression among young people that great scientists do not accept the Bible as the Word oft God and the Christian religion as unique. Nothing could be further from the truth and this book on the religion of an electrical en­ gineer is one of the proofs of that fact. It gives the story of a young man who lost faith and found it again. He tells us why he, who is a scientist and an en­ gineer, believes, in God and in the Bible as the very word of God and what the Bible teaches concerning Jesus Christ, eternal life and prayer. He has given much attention to the reasonableness of Christianity and the many analogies be­ tween scientific and religious phenomena. He has become convinced there is no in­ herent conflict between science and reli­ gion and that many apparent Conflicts are between imperfect ,understandings. He thinks the time has come to emphasize that Science and Christianity are harmon­ ious parts of the same great truth. As a scientist and engineer he thinks man’s belief in God is justified by ex­ perience, while revelation explains and amplifies experience. He says, “As a mat­ ter of fact, we are more sure of the ex­ istence of God than we are of our own existence, for in the ultimate, analysis the basic reason we can trust our own minds and the evidence of our senses is the be­ lief that God is good and would not de­ ceive us.” He declares that the Bible sat­ isfies and challenges the keenest mind and is a stimulus to research in every field of human knowledge. He thinks the religionist has nothing to fear from Science, though he may find it necessary to modify and widen his own views-and interpretations. On the other hand, the scientist must be. chary about belittling the findings and beliefs of re­ ligionists, some of whose processes are beyond the present scope and ken of sci-, ence. This is a bit of wholesome reasoning on •the part of a practical scientist who has taught engineering in one of our great State Universities for years, and can be heartily commended to people who may have difficulty in accepting the Word of God. Published by Revell & Co. Price— $1.50. ■ —J. M. M. Under th e Shadow A very helpful sériés of meditations, by Rev. G. H. Lunn, for six months, ap­ peared in “The Christian” published in London. The purpose was to provide short, simple forms of worship for shut- in-Christians who could not have the or­ dinary means of grace. Each message carries hope to the downcast, comfort to the lonely, cheer to the depressed. We are delighted to note that Morgan and Scott have now issued the entire series in an attractive and handy-sized book entitled : “Under the Shadow.” The price is 85 cents. The book will be especially treas-

ured by those unable to attend God’s House. It will be a helpful guide to all who would “abide under the shadow of the Almighty” and who feel the need of a message of rest and confidence. —K. L. B.

OBJECT LESSONS O F SCR IPTURE -THE LITTLE HANDMAIDS OF THE BIBLE." Thir- teen pamphlets. Illustrated. No. 1 to 13. 12 Object Les­ sons in Each Pamphlet. The set of 13, $1.95, postage prepaid. Price 15c. each. Order by number. Rev. C. Eickenberg, 4029 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, ill.

—0— What Might Have Been H. M. B arclay

Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 Octave Double Reed

In order to introduce our LATEST MODEL LIBERTY PIPE-TONE FOLDING ORGANS e i t h e r leatherette covered, or 3-ply oak case. We will accept for a limited time orders at $40.00 each (list price $70.00). A . L. W H IT E MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.

A life of Christ written especially for young people but rather lacking in out­ standing qualities. The author uses, throughout the Aramaiqfciame of our Lord in order that He may come to young people as a new personality' apart from their pre-conceived ideas. The book is somewhat fanciful And has no gripping quality calculated to appeal to many young people. It is, we fear, inadequate to its great subject and to the purpose for. which'it was written. Published by Mar­ shall Bros. M. C- - .—o— ' “ The Seance a t Radley Manor” K atherine D rake A warning against Spiritualism, or Spiritism as the author insists it should be called. The story of an English family of high class who dabbled in spiritualism until they found themselves in its grip and barely escaped disastrous conse­ quences. The story is short and readable. It has no particular claim to literary merit, but does fulfill the purpose for whicjteit was intended, which is that of warning. The author says that the details of the demon­ exorcism are from certified reports of ac­ tual happenings. Published by Marshall Bros., Ltd. Price—$1.00. |—F. M. C. —o— - “That I May Know Him” F reda H anbury A llen A book of rather commonplace poems written around a great theme. The poems are earnest and sincere in theological teaching and expression of Christian thought and experience, but, as poetry, they move on a dead level, never reach­ ing any height of vision or inspiration. The heaviness and sameness of the thought would seem better suited to a the­ ological treatise or sermon than to ex­ pression in poetry. Published by Marshall Bros., Ltd. i . .;>|? F. M. C. . —o— God’s Evangel F. W. G rant This is a series of evangelical exposi­ tions based upon various Old Testament and New Testament incidents. The work is not so much a careful study erf the in­ cident itself to discover its inherent inner meaning, as an application of certain the­ ological truths to the incident, wherever such an application is found possible. The book is carefully written and would be of interest to people whose point of view is mainly theological. Published by Pick­ ering and Inglis of Glasgow. Price—$1.00. :CA-F. M. C.

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