King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Good News for the Repentant S URELY the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the seal of Almighty God upon Him as divine Redeemer and the Son of God with power, is good news to one in sorrow for sin. Peter had denied his Lord with curses. One iast look from the Saviour had brought crushing conviction to his heart. He went out into the blackest night of his life to weep bitter tears. What hope could there be for one who had done such a contemptible thing ? • He had not only grieved the- heart of the One who had done so much for him, but he had given offense to the whole church. The very suggestion that he be restored to fellow­ ship, and hundreds of Christians would be ready to say »¡¡Restore hint: NEVER!” And then, after the resurrection, our Lord tells the two Marys to go and tell the disciples and Peter! (Mark 16:7). It is generally believed that Mark got most of the material for his Gospel from Peter. Imagine with what feeling Peter must have recounted this to Mark. Lo, a child of God who had committed a sin of the first magnitude—and to him these tidings are directed! The Good Shepherd is no sooner out of the grave than He makes a trip aside into the wilderness to recover a repentant sinner. That same Gospel pf His atoning death and justifying resurrection comes to us today with the same marvelous power. The Good Shepherd does no less now for the sorrowing heart than He did for Peter. The everlasting arms are under­ neath even the chastened saint to restore him. “Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.” —o— Sin In the Thoughts “Too often it is pleasanj: to think of a sin, while we would scorn the idea that we would ever commit that sin in act,” says the Watchman-Examiner. But, if we sin in thought, we have entered the road that leads to the act. We have not waited for temptation to come to us. We are going out to meet it. The cherished thought of sin can be restrained from growing into the act only by the grace of God. When we begin to think on evil we have cast ourselves into a current from which only a miracle can save us. The way to keep out of temptation is to keep sin out of the mind. A mind free from sin becomes the temple of the Holy Ghost. It is the peculiar blessedness of the “pure in heart” that they shall see God. If we do not look on sin, we may look on the perfect purity of infinite love.

“Ecuador—A Story of Mission Achievement’’ W. F. J ordan

For Church and Sunday School

. Mr. Jordan is the secretary of the Upper Andes Agency of the American Bible Society. He has written an inter­ esting and stimulating account of the de­ velopment and progress of Protestant missionary work in this little known South American Republic from the time when it was started thirty years ago until today when it is being carried on by the Christian and Missionary Alliance. The book is replete with incidents show­ ing the hardships, joys and methods of missionary work in a Latin American country. It would be helpful, not only to those interested in missionary work, but to those engaged in Christian work any­ where. It deals with principles that are universal in application and breathes a fine, wholesome;;.; and practical Christian, spirit. It would be an interesting and suitable study for a mission study class. Published by Christian Alliance Pub. Co. Price—$1.50. —F. M. C. “David, the Shepherd Who Became King” M ildred D uff and N oel H ope This book is the fascinating story of the life of David pdt into interesting and readable form for boys and girls. It would be equally interesting and sugges­ tive for teachers of boys and girls who want to make this great character of the Old Testament a living, vital, heroic real­ ity to themselves and to their pupils. The story is. simply, but vividly told. The Bible account is very faithfully fol­ lowed. There is.'evidence of much care­ ful study and thought in the way in which passages from the Psalms are fitted into their places in David’s life and in the many interesting and illuminating refer­ ences .to the customs of the times and to contemporaneous history. The b o o k should furnish interesting and wholesome reading for any regular hero-loving boy today. Published by Marshall Bros., Ltd. Price—$1.25. F. M. C. Dr. Shelton is one of the outstanding Christian workers in the City of New York and has built up a great Bible School which is doing a very effective work. “Better Than Gold” contains fifty brief, gripping, vigorous chapters on the acquisition and development of the deeper things which make for the more abundant life. Those who are acquainted with Dr. Shelton’s little paper will know something of the crisp, attractive way in which he makes use of the rich experience which has come to him during his long years of service in Bible teaching and city evangelism. We would recommend this little book to preachers and Christian workers as seed thoughts for helpful, sermons and Bible talks. Published by National Bible- In­ stitute. Price—$1.25. —J. M. M. — o — — o -— Better Than Gold D on O. S helton , LL.D.

A HYMN-BOOK that is ideal for Evan- gelistic Campaigns, Missionary Con­ ventions, Young People's Rallies, Radio Services, etc. 202 SELECT SONGS—all favorites— 91 Songs of Worship and Evangelism, 16 Songs on the Deeper Life, 8 Songs on Di­ vine Healing, 23 Songs on Missions, 20 Songs on the Second Coming, 17 Invitation Numbers, 10 for Children, 11 for Choirs, 6 Choruses. The very best book possible at a remark­ ably low price. Cloth, 50c each; $40 per hundred ; Manila, 30c each ; $25 per hundred. A returnable copy w ill be sent to y o u f o r exam ination upon request The Christian t H t l l U l I M l U are used ini thpusaifcft of schoolsand churches. This line of. projection l a p t e r o r glass slides, .opaque objects and “strip” film is the largest and most complete ,in the world. Send for IIInutrilled ’Literature BAUSCH&LOMBOPTICAL CO.. 7 2 8St. PaulSt.. Rochester. N. Y. K CH URCH FURN ITURE Everything fo r Church and Sunday School use. From Factory to You. Finecatalogfree. DeMouUn Bros. 8C Co. ^ jp38 1151 South 4th St., Greenville, Illinois ■ *IP T H E H A R V E S T T R U L Y : IS~ P L E N T E O U S In v ario u s p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rained C hristian m ay be sup p o rted in th e w ork of God fo r an en tire y e ar for from $25, to $600. L iteratu re free. NATIVE PREACHER CO. INC., Box K, 251 F airm o u n t Rd., Ridgewood, N. J. Life Range Finders James H. McConkey’s four latest messages: “God’s Jewel Case,” “Holy Ground,” “Beauty for Ashes,” “The Blessed Hope.” D ealing w ith salv atio n for th e lost, re ­ sponsibility fo r service, com fort for the sorrow ing, and hope fo r th e future. Sent absolutely free SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY D ept. M, B essem er Bldg., P ittsb u rg h , Pa. Alliance Publishing Company 260 West 44th Street New York, N. Y.

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