King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927


T h é

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

When I have once affixed my signature to that covenant, where in all the universe is any man or angel who can presume to interposé between us? In the sign of that Cross, the Church goes forth to the conquest of the world. “I, if I be lifted up,” said Jesus, “will draw all men unto me” ; and the chron­ icler adds, “This he said signifying what death he should die.” To pass tearful eulogiums on the singularly beautiful life and character of Jesus while casting re­ proach upon the supreme importance of his vicarious death as our only hope of salvation is to scandalize all his life-givf- ing words. It is to cry “Hail, Master!” while betraying Him with a kiss. It is to crown Him with thorns, mock at his pas­ sion and make a reductio ad absurdum of his whole redemptive work. We have a living Christ at the right hand of Majesty. No dead Christ could have wrought as He has wrought for cen­ turies in the lives of men of every nation. Jenny Lind, on her way to the United States, asked the captain of the boat to permit her to see a sunrise at sea. One cloudless morning he had her awakened. Silently, by his side, she watched the changing tints on the sky and the reflec­ tions upon the waking waters. As the sun burst upon the horizon, |Jhe broke into rapturous song. It was. Handel’s “I know that my Redeemer Liveth” (Job 19:25). In the glorious sun Jenny Lind had seen the type of Christ the Light of the world, who lives and who will “stand in the lat­ ter days upon the earth.” No wonder the captain said afterward, as he described the ecstasy of her emotion : “No one will ever hear T Know that my Redeemer Liveth’ sung as I heard it that morning.” Years ago there was an old German pro­ fessor whose beautiful life was a marvel to his students. Some of them resolved to know the secret of it; so one of their number hid in the study where the old professor spent his evenings. It was late when the teacher came in. He was very tired, but he sat down and spent an hour with his Bible. Then he bowed his head in secret prayer; and finally closing the Book of books, he said, “Well, Lord Jesus, we’re on the same old terms.” To know Him is life’s highest attainment; and at all costs, every Christian should strive to be “on the,same old terms with Him.” — o — The Living Lord B EHOLD, I am alive for evermore” (Rev. 1:18). — o — Life’s Highest Attainment

SAFESUNDAYSCHOLSUPLIES If you are looking for safe, sound, clean, spiritual, interdenominational literature for your Sunday School, free from destructive criticism and worldly advertise­ ments, it will pay you to investigate the Bethel Series. Get our Special Trial Offer. Samples free. Ask for our catalog of Bibles, Books, Church and Sunday School Supplies. Bethel Publishing C o ., D ept. S3, Elkhart, Ind. SA V E A SOUL FROM DEATH T his is being done in A frica, China, India, by N ative E vangelists a n d Bible W om en who are being sup p o rted for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 fo r a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free literatu re. EARN $ 2 5 W EEKLY in sp a re tim e, w ritin g sh o rt stories and new s item s fo r new spapers, m agazines. E xperience u nnecessary. D etails and c o p y rig h t book “H ow to W rite fo r P a y ” sen t FREE. PRESS SYNDICATE, 1286, St. Louis, Mo. B I G P R O F I T S For Your Church Organization GOTTSCHALK’S METAL SPONGE The Handy Household Helper Writeforfull information m e t a l s p o n g e s a l e s c o r p . Dept. A, Lehigh Ave. & Mascher St. Philadelphia SENT TOYOU FREE “ The Greatest Love S tory in the World I A BUSINESS m an, a friend of th e New Y ork Bible Society, keeps in his desk a sm all supply of a book he e®Hs ^The G reatest Love S tory in the W orld.. Some tim e ago he handed a copy to a stra n g er w ho rem arked th a t he w as in g reat tro u b le an d thoroughly discouraged. R ecently th is m an called ag ain on ou r business friend to th an k him fo r th e Book, declaring th a t he had accepted Jesu s C hrist as his Saviour, had becom e a stu d en t of th e Bible and w as seeking to w in others. This sam e business m an gave a d issi­ p ated Italian bootblack a copy of “The G reatest Love S to ry in th e W orld.” Some w eeks la te r the Italian gratefully said to him : “ I read th a t good Book every day. I get d ru n k no m ore. I have m ore m oney fo r m y fam ily an d p u t som e in th e bank, too,— an d I get no m ore headache.” These tru e sto ries illu stra te th e divine P fwe r of ”The G reatest Love S to ry in th e W orld, an d th e g re a t good th a t its com forting a n d inspiring m essage does. Write For Your Copy We will gladly send you a copy of the book our friend calls “ The Greatest Love Story in the World” if you will simply send your name and address to Dept. 21, enclosing a stamp.

Behold the Cross B y D r . D av id J a m e s B u r r e l l

S IN is a universal fact: “for there is no difference; for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Any attempt to prove this would be like carry­ ing coals to Newcastle; everybody knows it (Romans 2:15). Moreover, sin is a portentous fact, de­ spite all recent efforts of free-thinkers to reduce it to the insignificance of a harm­ less epidemic.: It automatically separates the sinner from a holy" God; for so it is written in the Law: “The soul that sin- neth it shall die.” The reference, of course, is to spiritual death. Hell is any­ where away from God. Salvation by the same token is recon­ ciliation with God. But how can a sinful man be reconciled with a holy God ex­ cept by the removal of his sin? And how, in pursuance of justice, can sin be “re­ moved” without expiation? And who is competent to expiate it? i*iThere is no eye to pity and no arm to save!” This was the dire necessity that brought the only-begotten Son out of “the glory which he had with the Father before the world was” to bear the penalty of our misdoing in his own body on the tree. The cry of a despairing race for help rang up to heaven; and when angels and archangels in perplexity asked, “When shall we send and who will go for us?” the only-begotten Son in the bosom of the Father answered “Here am I; send me!” He came therefore, to die. To live? Aye, surely, and thus to show us ever­ more what life should be. But if that were all, it was merely to decorate the walls of a mausoleum with an unattain­ able dream. Let him prepare the way by quashing the indictment against Us. He must raise the dead before he can give significance to any program of life. Behold the Cross! It lays the specters of the mislived past; it cancels the obli­ gations of the broken law; so that God can now be “just and the justifier of the ungodly” in the behalf of all who signify, by the acceptance of faith, their willing­ ness to be saved that way. This is the doctrine of “justification by faith.” Who can suggest any objection to it ? There are three parties to the Cov­ enant of Grace; to-wit, God the'Father, who consents to give His only-begotten and well-beloved Son for us men and our salvation; God the Son, who consents to expiate our sins by taking our place before the bar of the broken law; and the party of the third part, to-wit, the sinner.

NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY Five E a st F o rty E ighth S treet a m NEW YORK

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