King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


We can always do a little better than we are doing. In school do your best, in home be your best, in life live your best. There is One who will help you' all the time. It is the Lord Jesus, Who knows what it is to be a boy or girl.” — o — Simon th e Cyrenian “They compel one Simon a Cyrenian . . . . to bear His cross" (Mk. 15:21). EAKENED by suffering of body and mind, Jesus had sunk under the load of His Cross. Just at that moment, at that turn in the street, a black man from Africa “passed by, coming out of the country.” How curiously we are some­ times led! We take a turn in the road, not knowing why, and the whole life is changed. This obscure African is re­ membered throughout the world, the only actor connected with the crucifixion who got his. name recorded. Asia fur­ nished the betrayer, Europe the judge and executioners, but Africa bore the Cross for Jesús (evidently a man advanced in years—see v. 21). What became of Simon? I am inclined to believe he is the man we meet in Acts 13:1, “Simeon called Niger” (because of his color) who is mentioned in connec­ tion with “Lucius of Cyrene” as active in the early church. The names Simon and Simeon were used interchangeably ■(cf. Acts 15:14). Naturally the bearer of the Cross would have been greatly impressed by the scenes he had witnessed. He may have gotten a personal blessing from Jesus as he trudged along beside Him bearing His Cross. If this identity be correct, we see in Simon, a black .man, the first fruits of the heathen world. What irony that Africa, after all these centuries, is the darkest continent of all! Shall we not bear to them the message of the Cross in gratitude for the fact that one of Africa’s sons carried the Cross to Golgotha ? — I t Is th e Lord We know not a better illustration of what the feelings of a saint should be,'in the hour of bitterness, than the case of Richard Cameron's father. The a g e d saint was in. prison “for the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” The bleeding head of his mar­ tyred son was brought to him by his un­ feeling persecutors, and he was asked derisively if he knew it. “I know it, I know it”—said the father, as he kissed the mangled forehead of his fair-haired son—“It is my son’s, my own dear son’s ! It is the Lord! good is the will of the Lord, who cannot wrong me or mine, but who hath made goodness and mercy to follow us all our days.”

Do Your Best T HE following story was told by Dr. James Black, minister of United Free St. George’s Edinburgh, in a sermon preached to the children at Westminster Chapel, London. The story is applicable not only to boys arid girls, but has a les­ son for us all., . A boy, walking on the road, met a man who was whistling. “I can whistle better than that,” said the boy, and he set an example by “whist­ ling like a lintie.” “But, you know,” said the man, “i wasna whistling my best that time,” and he gave a more vigorous speci­ men of his powers. “I wasna whistlin’ my best, either,” cried the lad, so he wetted his lips, squared his shoulders and poured all his little soul into the whistle. Not to be beaten, the man gave a rival performance which far outdid his two previous efforts. “I say, man,” said the boy at the close, “if you can whistle like that, why, did you whistle like yon?” “That,” said Dr. Black, “is my motto for the young people in the New Year. Whistle your best. HAS THE BIBLE ANYTHING T O SAY ABOUT BOBBED HA IR ? R ead our New an d Tim ely T rac t: "Shall W e Obey God o r Fashion? 3 cen ts each, 15 cen ts p er doz., $1.00 p er 100 Sam ple pkg. of o th er Gospel tra c ts , a b o u t 11U kinds, 25 cents. C atalogue of T rac ts, Books, T exts, S. S. N ovelties, etc., Free. F A IT H F U L W O R D S 2933 P a rk Ave., St. Louis, Mo. “ S I S T E R A B I G A I L ” Incidents in the early life and present work of Abigail Townsend Luffe—how she obtained the beautiful -home in Buffalo, etc. Contains pictures of "Sunbeam and the first patient. Cloth bound, 197 pages. Postpaid $1.50. Other books on her work are: Little is Much When God is in It, 25 cents Does God Answer Prayer? . . 10 cents Sword and Shield Book Store SO E a st H uron S treet, Buffalo, N. Y. Is theAntichrist at Hand? WhatofMussolini-ThèIronManofRome? Bible evidence o f a m ost startling na­ tu re from the world of demonology, pol­ itics an d relig io n concerning the end o f the present world order. Over 3 0 , 0 0 0 S o ld ! Two Editions : Cloth, $1.00; postpaid, $1.10. Paper, 50c.; postpaid, 55c. A t your bookstore, or from THECHRISTIAN ALLIANCEPUBLISHINGCOMPANY 260 West 44th Street :: New York, N.Y. The Revival of theRomanEmpire? TheEndof thePresentWorldOrder? n P H E book o f the hour, containing

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