King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

ible, and lead the feet of her little ones upon the hillsides “which go climbing up to God.” H te. . M J une IS. “My God shall supply all your need.” — Phil. 4:19. THIS does not mean that He will give us all we ask; for, alas! we are but poor judges of what is best for us. Not every wish shall be fulfilled, but every real requirement will be met. God is the bountiful Provider; “No good thing will he with­ hold from them that walk uprightly.” The Greek of our text is much more expressive than the English: “My God shall fill up all your n e e d t h e provision shall not be scanty; we shall “lack nothing” that is necessary for our temporal or spiritual Well being. There can be no question as to the sufficiency of the supply, for it is to be “according to his riches in glory;” all the wealth of Divinity is to be drawn upon for the purpose of our endowment. The bank of heaven must break, the throne of God must fall, ere the need of the Christian can go unmet. We say “of the Christian,” for, be it noted, this is not a prom­ ise to the worldling—let him supply his own need, if he can-p but to the child of God. The bounty is to come to us “by Christ J e s u s i n Him, and in Him alone, is our every need supplied. “My God shall supply all your need!” What a glor­ ious assurance. What rest and peace come to those who lay hold upon it. “Be not faithless, but believing!” “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” — Jno. 14:9. “THE human heart longs for a vision of God.” Well, behold Him! Gaze at the Rabbi of Nazareth. Follow Him as He goes about “doing good.” See Him as He heals the leper, and gives sight to the blind, and feeds the hungry and raises the dead. Listen to His tender accents as He comforts the mourner, or speaks words of hope and pardon to the sinful soul. Behold Him as He blesses the little children; as He weeps over the sins and sorrows of mankind; as- He .shares their social joys; as He provides for their entertainment. Hearken to His gracious words of invitation. Look at Him as He sacrifices Himself for the salvation of the world. THAT IS GOD! Ask no more for a wider vision of the Deity; there is no more to see. He and the Father are one t one in essence, one in purpose, one in thought, one in method—he that hath seen Christ, hath seen the Father. If you would have feared Jesus of Nazareth, then be afraid of God; if you-could not have trusted Him, then distrust JEHOVAH; but do not imagine that there is any difference between the two. “He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father;” happy for us if we believe i t : “Ask not how, but trust Him still; Ask not when, but wait His will; Simply on His word rely, God ‘shall’ all your need supply.” , I m J une 16.

The Works of

G. Campbell Morgan

The Ministry of the Word

DR. MORGAN'S STOREHOUSE of Serm on Suggestions on th e w hole Bible Searchlights from the Word 1,188 Serm on-Suggestions; One from every c h ap ter in the Bible. T he outlines a re brief, p reg n an t w ith th o u g h t, u n m ar­ red by a single superfluous o r red u n d an t p h rase, cramm ed w ith suggestive m aterial suited to th e use of m in isters and o th e r C h ristian w orkers. They reveal th ro u g h o u t Dr. M or­ gan ’s keen, an aly tical insight an d as th e title specifically in ­ dicates, range th ro u g h th e en­ tire S crip tu res, from Genesis to R evelation. C loth $3.75 The Acts of the Apostles D r. M organ’s im p o rtan t book isT a fascin atin g stu d y of the tendencies, principles, lives and passions of th e first generation of C h ristian ity in th e w orld. It reflects on every page th e a u ­ th o r’s rem arkable ab ility and keen an aly tical pow ers. A n in ­ valuable w ork fo r all puzzled o v er conflicting opinions in the C hurch to d ay ! Dr. E d g ar W h itak er W ork say s: “ I do n o t know of a n y ­ th in g w ritten in recent years th a t can com pare w ith it.” _____________________C loth $3.75 The Living Messages of the Books of the Bible Vol. I. G enesis to M alachi Vol. II. M atthew to R evelation The S p iritu al M essages to O ur Own Tim es Sunday School T im es: ”Dr. M organ’s tre a tm e n t is in v a ri­ ably suggestive, sp iritu al an d p ractical. He is one o f o u r forem ost sp iritu al teachers, and he is seen in these vo l­ um es a t his b e st.” B altim ore C h ristian A dvo­ c ate: ‘‘T he w ork th ro u g h o u t is an evident resu lt of keen, clear thinking, and show s a fine a p ­ p reciatio n of th e essential p e r­ m anent value of each book.” U nited P resb y terian : “They a re m essages from God to m an, to m en of th e tim e to w hich th ey are w ritten , b u t beyond them to m en of every age-y- m essages of sin, judgm ent, d i­ vine love a n d salv atio n .” W atchm an : “Those w h o read these volum es w ill surely grow in th e know ledge of the fullness of th e W ord of God an d its m arvelous relatio n to every hum an experience.” ___________________ E ach $2.00 Dr. Morgan’s Two Great Works on Christology The C rises of The C hrist Its conception is excellent; it tre a ts of critical epochs in th e life of C hrist— th e b irth , b ap tism , tem p tatio n , tra n sfig ­ u ratio n , crucifixion, resu rrec­ tio n a n d ascension. The Teaching of C hrist A com panion to “The C rises,” an d deals w ith C h rist’s te a ch ­ ing concerning personality, sin, salv atio n an d th e K ingdom of God. E ach C loth $2.50

H is la te st volum e is a ch al­ lenging blessing b o th to m in ­ iste rs and to laym en, throw ing a flood of lig h t on th e w ork of all tru e children of God. The young m in ister will do well to m ake th is a text-book for p re p ­ aratio n . C loth $1.50 The Parables of the Kingdom E xpositions of M att XIII. W ill p rove em inently help­ ful to stu d en ts of every class. A s good a t th e b est, if n o t the b e st th a t M r. M organ h as done. C loth $1.75 God’s Perfect Will Mr. M organ tra c e s th ro u g h th e h isto ric devotional a n d p ro p h etic books of th e Old T estam ent, a s well a s th ro u g h th e w ritin g s of th e New T e sta ­ m ent, one c o n sta n t testim ony to th e presence and m astery of th e will of God. . C loth $1.00 The Simple Things of the Christian Life Five v ita l them es are d is­ cussed: “The New B irth,” “ H o 1i n e s s,” “ G r o w t h,” “W ork” an^I “T em ptation.” Sim ple in style, d irect and clear; su b sta n tia l teaching of th e Bible p resen ted w ith new force. C loth 75c The True Estimate of Life and How to Live E xhibits the a u th o r’s well- know n pow er of expressing Re­ ligious tru th sim ply, tenderly an d effectively. It h as an u n ­ u sual q u ality of directness and pertinence. $1.00 The Christ of Today What? Whence? Whither? A pow erful exposition of th e reasons fo r belief in th e personal C hrist. C loth 50c Wherein Have We Robbed God? M alachi’s M essage to the Men of Today H ere a re five expository studies on th e book of M alachi. The exposition is well done, and th e application to the w ants of o u r ow n age is p ra c ­ tical and helpful. C loth 75c The Spirit of God A real and p ra c tic al a d d i­ tio n to th e lite ra tu re bearing on th e doctrine of such v ital im portance; it is reverent in sp irit, scholarly in m anner and earn est in application. C loth $1.50 A First Century Mes­ sage to Twentieth Century Christians

“If our faith were but more simple, We should take Him at His word; And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord.”

J une 17, “The face of Jestis Christ.”—2 Cor. 4:6.

NOT a handsome face, probably, as men count beauty. Somewhat too old and careworn; with His visage “so marred;” looking nearly fifty when He was only thirty-three (x) : no beauty there, that men, as men, should desire Him. Yet in that somewhat unlovely face the eye of faith beholds “the light of the glory of God.” For the lack of loveliness is due to that (x) See Jno. 8:57.

M arked by clearness of in ­ te rp re ta tio n a n d p o w e r f u l p racticality . C loth $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods a re to com e by m ail a d d 10% fo r postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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