King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

“the wisdom .of this world is foolishness with God.” The man who is led into the bog of destruction by the corpse light of error, has no excuse, since he was provided with “a more sure word of prophecy,” to which if he had taken heed, he_would have been saved from the enchantment of the charmer, charmed he “never so wisely.” •* * I afe J une 20. • J'Take heed . . . how ye hear.’^-L u k e 8:18. NOT only must we take heed what we hear (see June 19), but also how we hear it. There should be a reverent attitude toward what we believe to be the Word of God, as to a Divine communication. Our hearing is to often marred by our criticism of the messenger—the messenger is nothing, the message is everything. We should hear without the prejudice of pre-con­ ception: the question is not “Do I agree with the Word?” but “Is it true?” That we have never so believed before, is no evidence that we ought not to believe it now. We should hear the word prayerfully; beseeching the Holy Ghost that He would soften our hearts to receive the seed into good and fruitful soil. Above all, we should hear it obediently; with a steadfast purpose not only to hearken, but to. do. How much preaching and teaching there is in the world, how little result! Why? Because men seek to be delighted with the truth, rather than to be stirred up to fulfil it. The voice of the messenger may be “a very pleasant song,” but they make no effort to transform the music into the harmony of their daily lives. There is a grave respon­ sibility, as well as a blessed privilege, in being permitted to hear the Word of God. It is a mos't precious gift, of the steward­ ship of which we must some day give an account. There is a blessing or a curse in it—which, depends upon whether we use it or abuse it. Angels’ food in itself, needs to be eaten and digested with care, that it may nourish us unto eternal life. THROUGH the whole of the new Testament runs an either — or. God’s Word is a two-edged' sword; Christ is a Rock, on which men either raise themselves* or on which they are broken. The cross is either the power of God unto salvation, or weakness or foolishness to men. The Gospel is either a savor of death ùnto death or of life unto life . . . The Alexandrian catechist of the fourth century, Didymus, who was blind from his fifth year, and who attained the age of ninety, once said to one who sought to console him, that he could not sorrow over the want of that eyesight which is common even to flies and mosquitoes—the Lord be praised He had been given such an eye as angels see with, with which God can be seen and His light received. How had that master of harmony, Handel, blind in his later years, sought to raise his hands in prayer in the aria composed by him in the oratorio of Samson : “Darkness around—nor sun nor moon nor stars.” With what fervency did a Milton, when singing his Paradise Lost, pray for inner light? “Send forth Thy light and Thy truth; let them lead me,” etc. (Psa. 43) ; “let Thy Word be a light unto my feet; open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law.” Let the eyes of my understanding be opened for a double purpose—that I may realize my sinfulness, and recognize my Saviour, that Saviour who said, “If ye were blind, ye should have no sin. I am come,” etc. . . . In the grey dawn of morning, in the falling night, I lift up mine hands and pray: “Make me to see, make me blest, O Jesus!” Away over the roses and lilies which summer brings forth, over the stubble, across which blows the cold breath of autumn, I cry, “Make me to see,” etc. Over biers that go under, over kingdoms J une 21. “The Lord is my light and my salvation." — Psa. 27:1

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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