King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

that crash in ruin, over a new generation growing up, high over all I pray Him who was and is and is to come, “Ever make me to see, ever bless me, O Jesus!” g»H J une 22. “These three men.’’ÿ^Esek.l4:14. NOAH, Daniel, and Job. Not, perhaps, the three greatest men in Bible history, yet God chose them as the likeliest to save a doomed city by their presence. We should probably have said “Abraham, Moses, and Elijah;” why then, these three men? We shall find the answer in the distinguishing characteristic of each. Noah was a man of unquestioning obedience; spite of the improbability of the flood, and of the inevitable sneers and contempt of his neighbors, he built the ark at the command of God. Daniel was the man of prayer; at the risk not only of his position, but of his life, he offered his supplications three times a day. Job displayed an unflinching' loyalty to God; nothing would induce him to speak evil of the Divine, or to question the wisdom and goodness of the Almighty. Obedience, prayer, loyalty—in each case springing from, simple and unshakeable faith—these are the things which mark the nobility of heaven. Without them it is impossible to please God. We should note, howeyer the order in which the men are mentioned. Job was the earliest of the three, yet he comes last in the list. The truth is, no man can pray effectually until he has learned the lesson of obedience, and only those who have attained to the exercise of prayer will have that knowledge of God which will enable them to be loyal, under all circumstances, to their Lord. Let us seek to imitate the example of the noble Three. BP I J une 23. “Foundations with sapphires’’—Isa. 54:11 THE sapphire is the etnblem of love. .When, therefore, God promises to lay our foundations with sapphires, He is under­ taking t o . establish us upon Eternal Love. Herein the New Covenant differs from the Old. That was founded upon Law. Thou shalt” and “Thou shalt not” were its only sanctions. It was an external ordinance, hedged about with many command­ ments ; and they were grievous to be borne because both the desire and the power to keep them were lacking. The Law of the New Dispensation is to be written in the heart; not upon tables'of stone, but upon tablets of affection. “Thou shalt love” is its one and only commandment; an all-sufficient one, “for love is the fulfilling of the law.” Meanwhile our peace and- safety are built upon the Divine affection for us. The sapphire is the color of the heavens, and as the'heavens "enfold us all our days, so we are enwrapped, and wálk throughout our pilgrim­ age, in the enfolding love of God; “Round our failure His completeness; Round our restlessness His rest.” The sapphire is a hard and practically indestructible stone: the love of God never fails. Not even his perversity and his sin can destroy the believer’s foundations. YVhat rest, what peace, what satisfaction, these truths contain for us. &t¿. I Ü - J une 24. "Stones with fair colors.’’ — Isa. 54:11. GOD’S Temple must be “exceeding magnificat.” We, then, who are ourselves temples of the Divine, must be radiant with spiritual beauty. Hence God has promised, no t‘only to lay our “foundations with sapphires” (see June 23), but our “stones with fair colors.” Peace, joy, praise, humility, zeal, are some of the jewels that should adorn the Christian character. These things, blended as into rainbow harmonies of splendor, should be our

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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