King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

testimony to the world of the glory of Him to whom we belong. Note, however, that they are to be laid, not by ourselves, but by Him. We are not to be decorated with the paints of mere pro­ fession ; nor is our character to be built up of external and spurious gems of self-endeavor; our loveliness is to proceed from inward graces, which we are unable to produce. Both the foun­ dations of love upon which the super-structure is to be raised, and the stones of that super-structure’, are to be laid by the great Architect and Builder of all spiritual beauty and worth. Our part is simply to surrender ourselves to Him that He may do with us “what seemeth Him good.“ Nor should we forget, that a building is progressive: we need not be in despair if we do not display all the stones of the Holy Temple at once. Let it be a source of comfort to us if the foundations have been laid: He who has begun, will assuredly complete the work in us. The top- stone shall yet be “brought on with shoutings of Grace, grace unto it.”. • J u n e 25. “The hope which is laid up . . . . in heaven.” — Col. 1:5. AMID all the discords and difficulties of earth the Christian should keep his ears and his eyes fixed upon the melodies and the prospects of the world to come; for in so doing he shall fill his soul with manifold and glorious hopes. There is, first of ail, the hope of deliverance from sin. Once within the pearly gate, the bondage of the flesh shall be broken, and we shall be free from the power of evil which has so oppressed us here. There is the hope of the cessation of sorrow, weariness, and pain. “There shall be no more crying” when God shall have wiped all tears from off all eyes; “the inhabitant shall never say, T am sick ;’ ” there are no Marah fountains of bitterness, no Baca valleys of trouble, in the Celestial Land. There is the hope of re-union with the loved ones who have gone before; the “Longings for vanished smiles, and voices gone,” will be satisfied when . we meet and greet them oh the eternal shore. How glorious are all these hopes; yet they do not fill up the measure of the soul’s desire; we need yet another note to complete the chord of heavenly harmony. Lo 1 here it is : there is the hope of unveiled communion with Christ—ah, THAT is heaven; “forever with the Lord.” How foolish are men who fail to meditate upon these things; who walk in the shadow and never lift their eyes to the sunlit hills: how much more foolish those who, content with the things of earth, neither seek nor desire to be heirs of joys so great. GOD expects all His people to be saints; nay, more, unless we are saints we do not belong to the people of God at all. Let us then be quite clear as to what ,is meant by a “saint.” We are too apt to get our ideas of sainthood from church windows, with their preposterous figures—men in unfamiliar clothing and with something like cheese plates round their heads. Or we gather them from the biographies of the holiest amongst our fellows; and we sigh because we are not like them, or we say querulously, “You cannot expect us, in our present circum­ stances, to be saints.” AH this is sheer misapprehension-. A saint is a sanctified person—i.e., one who has been set apart. “Sanctify” is only the Latin equivalent for our phrase “to set apart.” Anything which is set apart, for whatever purpose, is sanctified. The Christian, then, is one who has been set apart by the Holy Ghost.(“Who sanctifieth me, and all the elect people of God”) ; set apart, that is, from the world, the flesh, and the Devil, and set apart to God and for the service of the Divine. A saint may be a very humble person, very obscure, very incap­ able. He may be a very imperfect person (indeed all saints J une 26. ‘‘Called saints."—Rom.l:7.

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