King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


are more or less imperfect) but he is sanctified by. the Holy Spirit and, being sanctified, he is one of God’s own elect, (x). We cannot make ourselves into, saints,—that is the work of the Highest—but we can seek His sanctifying power, and we can strive to live (“as becometh saints”) to His glory all the day long. (x) Men are not sanctified because they are elect, but elect because they are sanctified.

“Best” Books f°r Preacher

and Christian Worker

The Minister and His Music By C. H aro ld L ow den

J une 27. "Like rain upon the mown grass.” — Psa. 72:6.

A valuable m anual fo r m inister a n d congregation, giv­ in g m ost helpful hints on how to m ake th e m usic of the c h u rch a n d S unday School co n trib u te its fullest sh are in th e w orship aftd u plift of those w ho atten d . T h ere is an u n d erstan d in g an d sym pathetic c h a p te r on th e p lace of th e m inister as re la te d to th e c h u rch music, a thoughtful facing of th e question, "W h at do you w ish y o u r m usic to accom plish? T he book is to be h eartily recomm ended for p a sto rs and lead ers .of th e a v erag e co n g reg atio n who desire m usic th a t will u plift and inspire. $1.25 Ministerial Life and Work Satan

BARE and desolate is the meadow! The scythe has passed over it, and all its verdure is gone. The hot sun has been blazing upon it, and the roots of the mown grass,, are burnt and brown, while the earth has become caked and hardened. Then comes the summer shower and lo! in a day or two there are new blades of green beauty peeping up through the softened soil. “All flesh is g r a s s i t had been mown down by sin; the glory of it had passed away; promise of life and of verdure there remained none. Then came the Christ—foreseen by the prophetic eye in this Messianic Psalm—and new beauty, new glory, new utility (because new life) was given unto men. Whatever, today, is admirable (and worthy, all that is profitable, all that'is hopeful upon the earth, is the re su lt'd the Advent of our Lord. Men talk of the failure of Christianity because they have no realization of the condition of humanity before He came; they know not what kind of a desert the earth would have been if the rain had not been sent. But as with the Race, so with the indi­ vidual. Upon the heart mown with the scythe of sorrow, upon the life burnt almost into barrenness in the fierce furnace of affliction, He falls like the gracious refreshing shower and, at His coming, new hope, new strength, new possibilities spring up; new interests assert themselvesnew peace takes possession of the heart. The barren ground confésses His fertilizing power, the very wilderness rejoices and blossoms as the rose. IS ours an ordered house? The angels, nay, the Blesse'd Trinity themselves, have been looking down upon i t ; supposing we were asked: What have they seen in thine house ?” what should we have to reply? Is it a house where daily prayer ascends- -if not from a family gathering, yet from each of those who dwell therein? Assurance of prosperity and peace there can be none else; a prayerless house is like a barren desert, with­ out shelter and without shade. Is it a house in which the Bible is read and studied as the one rule, and guide, and sustenance of life? If the food be neglected and the light unused, what won­ der if we starve and stumble by the way? Is it a house where the children are taught to love the Saviour and His Word, to seek Him by prayer, and to serve Him from their earliest years? They are a loan from God; how shall we answer to Him if we let them go astray ? Is it a house where the Sabbath is hon­ ored ; called “honorable, holy, a delight;” sanctified from all common use and spent in communion with God? Is it a house in which the Divine presence is recognized? Is He felt to be its real Head; the unseen Guest at every meal, the ever present partaker of its-sorrows and its joys? Such a house is a prep­ aration, as it is a type, of that other house “not made with hands,” to which we hope one day to remove. ‘,‘Thou shalt die” is as true of each one of us as it was of Hezekiah: woe to us if we live as though this earth were all. God meant our houses to be homes; places where He could dwell with us; sad that men should turn them into mere shelters from the wind and rain! J une 28. "Set thine house in order ."— 2 Kings 20:1.

By Lew is S. C hafer T his is an outline of the S crip tu re teaching on th e arch enem y of m en’s souls. It is b ased on th e a u th o rity o f th e S crip tu res of b o th th e Old and New T estam en ts being ab so ­ lutely unquestioned. Evidence is draw n from th e W ord of God alone, since no final lig h t can be found on th is subject o th er th a n it has pleased God to reveal in th e Bible. P ap er 25c, C loth $1.00

By W . H . G riffith Thom as D.D. Being a revision and a c are ­ ful abridgem ent of th e A u­ th o r’s valuable handbook The W ork of th e M inistry. A sy stem atic stu d y of g reat value, even to the experienced m inister. Gives su b stan tial help an d in sp iratio n to the younger clergym an— a boon to th e m inisterial stu d en t a n d to th e isolated C hristian w orker w ho m inisters as a p ro p h et of God. __________ C loth $1.75

What Is Faith?

By J. G resham M achen T his book tells th e in q u ire r w h at it m eans to believe on th e L ord Jesus C h rist in o rd e r th a t he m ay be saved. It sets forth, in th e light of th e New T estam en t teach in g and in com parison w ith re ce n t discussions, th e real n a tu re of C h ristian faith. In p a rticu la r, it seeks to b re a k down, in th e in terests of th e intellectual aspects of faith, the opposition w hich is so comm only set up betw een faith and know ledge. C loth $1.75

The Holy Spirit: Who He is and What He Does

Perplexing Passages in the Four Gospels By K eith L. B rooks Every difficult statem en t in the^ fo u r G ospels is sim ply ex­ plained, w hich m eans th a t the com piler h as b ro u g h t to g eth er a w ealth of valuable m aterial from scores of devotional w riters. The answ ers are co n ­ cise, y e t will be clear to the o rd in ary Bible stu d en t. H ere you have a book th a t will be c o n stan tly in u se if you have it in y o u r home. O rder a copy today. C loth $1.50, P a p e r $1.00

By R. A. T orrey, D.D. H ow to K now H im in the Fulness of H is M inistry. Popur la r ad d resses on th e Holy S pirit. Though rep h rased and m odified, th ey are here essen­ tially th e sam e sim ple, d etail­ ed, inform al a n d profusely il­ lu stra te d ad dresses on “ju st how to receive the g ift of the H oly S p irit,” as have resulted in b r i n g i n g m ultitudes of C hristians in to a larg er and m ore fruitful life. C loth $1.50

The New Testament Church Its Teaching and Its Scripture • _ _ By P a rk H ays M iller

I he need fo r train ed lay w orkers w as never g re a te r th an today, an d th is book will p rove invaluable for th a t purpose. Hie a u th o r say s in the forew ord: “This stu d y aim s to enable th e stu d en t to teach in a Sunday school class any p a rtic u la r lesson from th e New T estam en t on the larg er b ackground of the w hole New T estam en t an d of New T estam en t C h ristian ity .” A ccordingly, he tak es up th e stu d y of th e C h ristian ity of th e ?Lew e •tam en t’ Proceeding th ro u g h o u t on th e assum p tio n th a t th e S crip tu res are, in v ery tru th , th e W ord of God. F o r a teach er-train in g class, the book could scarcely be b e tte r, and Bible classes, b o th in the Sunday school an d o u t of it, will find the stu d y of th e book decidedly refreshing and helpful. C loth $1.00 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods are to com e by m ail a d d 10% fo r p o stag e.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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