King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


J une 29. "Written within and without.” — Ezek. 2:10.

“Best” Books for the Christian Life Books that will deepen the prayer life By A lexander Whyte T h e g re at p re a c h e r and ex positor discusses certain outstan d in g Bible ty p es of p ray er, such as those of Moses, E lijah, Job, P au l a n d C hrist, a n d in o th er serm ons leads us into th e consideration of som e aspects and m ethods of p ray er, su ch as costliness, con cen tratio n , reverence, th e p leading note, th e forgiving spirit, a n d th e endless quest. " It is titan ic," w rites Rev. J. M. E. Ross, colossal n o th in g like it in th e w hole lite ra tu re of the sub ject.” Cloth $1 .0 0 Answered or Unanswered M iracles of F a ith in China By L ouisa V aughan In the Secret Place By D r. W . B. P ercival Lord, Teach Us to Pray

WE are all authors, whether we realize it or no. Each one of us is composing a hook, syllable by syllable, line by line, chap­ ter by chapter. Moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, w e .are writing the history of our lives. Every act, every thought, every wordT—however trifling and, as it may seem to us, unimportan|||4s a letter in that autobiography of life. It is written within; upon our characters. In ourselves we are the sum total of all that we have done and said and thought through all the fleeting years. It is written without; in the characters of others. For “no man liveth unto himself.” We cannot get rid of that mysterious and awful power of influence with which we have been invested by our Creator. We never come into contact (not even passing contact) with our fellow men and leave them exactly as they were before; they are either better or worse for the meeting; will, it may be, be better or worse to all eternity. For these records which we write abide. “What I have writ­ ten, I have •written”—each one of us may adopt Pilate’s state-, ment with perfect truth. Much that we have written we have forgotten; much we would willingly blot out; but it abides, in spite of us, a commending or accusing record which it is beyond our power to erase. What a mercy that, at least as re­ gards its guilt, God both can and will blot out “the handwriting that is against us,” in the precious blood of Christ. Every day is a new page: may He help us to inscribe each one better than the last! J une 30. “The angel of the LORD encampeth round about.’’ — Ps. 34:7. THERE is a good deal of scepticism amongst Christian men and women as to the ministry of angels. This is largely due to the credulity of those who have been led away by the vagaries and iniquities of “spiritual^m.” Men have been asked to believe such foolish things that they have determined to believe nothing at all. But such scepticism cannot destroy the Bible testimony to the fact that angels are “ministering spirits, sent forth to minister” to the children of God. In this case, however, the reference is not to an angel, but to “ the Angel of JEHOVAH,” which in the Old Testament always signifies the Second Person in the Blessed Trinity. The;Son of God Himself pitches His tents “round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.” Need we doubt that He is accompanied by “a multitude of the heavenly host,” such, as Elisha saw round about Samaria in the hour of his peril, and that they are engaged with their Captain in the defence of the chosen Soul ? Unhappily our eyes are like those of Elisha’s servant; we cannot' see the Royal encamp­ ment, and we cry out in our terror, “Alas, what shall we do?” It is only when the Divine vision has been vouchsafed to us that “Lo! to faith’s enlightened sight All the mountain flames with light.” Let us pray for the bestowal of that vision, that we may be at peace.

A stu d y of p ray er ^ th a t opens up th e rich possibilities of a life of p ra y e r an d m akes you w an t to p ray . C ontains no new theories on p ray er, b u t ra th e r discloses th e actu al ex­ periences of a fru itfu l p ray er life. N ot only an in terestin g book, b u t v ery helpful. P a p e r 60c; C loth $1.00 By A ndrew M urray A v ery rev eren t w ork full of the tru e sp irit of w orship. The them e of th e book is “ W ith C hrist in th e S c h o o l of P ray er.” It will show you th e w ay of com ing in to th e very presence o f . C hrist to listen an d learn a s He speaks. Bound in g ift style. B oards 75c Waiting on God By A ndrew M urray W ritten u n d er th e deepest conviction th a t we need m ore of God. T h is book teaches us in o u r w orship m ore to w ait upon God, an d to m ake the cultiv atio n of a deeper sense of H is presence, of m ore d i­ rect c o n ta ct w ith H im , of en­ tire dependence on H im th e definite aim of o u r lives. A book to be read, stu d ied an d then a cted upon. B oards, 75c With Christ

T he f a c t th a t God b o th hears an d answ ers p ra y e r is am ply dem o n strated in th is w onderful book w hich h as for its cen tral them e th e proving of Jo h n 14:13, 14. G et th is book ju st as soon as you can for it will surely deepen your p ra y e r life a n d stren g th en your faith in God. P a p e r 60c; cloth $1.00 Getting Things From God D r. C harles A . B lanchard If you care fo r a book th a t will n o t only be food for y o u r soul w hile being read b u t will also resu lt in a v ery definite deepening an d broadening of y o u r p ra y e r life, th is is th e book to read, reread a n d th en p ass on to y o u r friends. P a p e r 75c; C loth $1.25 Effective Praying By H enry W . F ro st, D.D. In th is book Dr. F ro st goes to th e ro o t of th in g s in his definition and an aly sis of p ray er and his c ita tio n of p ra y e r principles an d condi­ tions. H is occasional illu stra ­ tio n s of answ ered pray er, draw n from his own experience and th a t of o th er w ell-know n sain ts, a re happily chosen and stim ulating.________ C loth $1.25

The Possibilities of Prayer By Edward M. Bounds

A rich, exceptionally helpful addition to D r. Bounds S p iritual Life Books, w hich deals w ith th e p lace an d sig­ nificance p ra y e r has in th e life of th e tru e believer. A hook th a t em phasizes th e fact th a t it is th e privilege a n d duty of every C h ristian m an a n d w om an to p ra y co n tin u ­ ally fo r clear sp iritu al experience as th e test of tru e dis- cipleship and of vital comm union w ith God. C loth $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If books a re to come by m ail add 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

J uly 1. “What is your life?” — Jas. 4:14.

THE answer is a paradox—-it is nothing; it is everything. All depends upon the point from which it is viewed. In itself it is nothing; it is as “water spilt upon the ground;” it is as “a vapor that vanisheth away.” Men sometimes ask: “Is life worth living?” and many of us would reply, In itself, and for its own sake, NO! But as the gift of God, and as a preparation for eternity, life is not only worth living, it is everything. There are two errors into which men fall concerning life. Some men

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