King's Business - 1927-06

June 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

live for earth alone. All .their thoughts are centered upon the things of the present. The affairs of this life fill up the whole horizon of their existence. Greater folly, surely, there could be none. It degrades the Seed Royal of Heaven to the level of the brute. It ignores the purposes for which we were sent into the world. It forgets the eternal destiny which awaits us on the other side the grave. There are others who live only' for the world to come. Their one purpose, their only ambition, is to reach the rest, and peace, and joys of heaven. They forget that life was given them as an opportunity for glorifying God by ministering to their fellow men. We are here, not to be saved, but to serve. True, we must first be saved as a preliminary to any possible service, but it is only a preliminary. Service—rthe service of our God and of His Christ-—is the main object of our life. If we have failed in that, our life itself has failed. We need not worry about heaven; that will follow salvation and ser­ vice as the day follows the rising of the sun. J uly 2. “The kingdom of heaven is like unto leavenj. — Matt. 13:33. AND “the kingdom of heaven is within you.” Religion is an internal, not an outside influence. Not conformity to external ordinances, but real spiritual change, is the secret of eternal life. The leaven must be put into the meal ere the,lump can be' leavened. Hence spiritual forces, like leaven, are silent and unseen. “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation;” we may not see its operations, but that does not connote its absence. The leaven' is working silently in many a heart about which we are well nigh in despair. Moreover, leaven acts grad­ ually; time must be allowed for the leavening process to become complete. This should allay our fears and save us from despair, both as regards ourselves and in respect to the world. Man is naturally in a hurry; his time on earth is but brief; that which is to be done must, in his estimation, be done at once if it is to be done at all. God is a God of leisure; all eternity awaits His purposes; His forces, therefore, like Himself, are usually slow and deliberate in movement; their effects, though sure, are sometimes long delayed. Jf He can afford to wait for the con­ summation, surely we may do the same. Yet once more, leaven is not self-centered; it “leaveneth the lump.” Our religion, if it be genuine, will not only affect us, it will spread its influence to those by whom we are surrounded. We are ourselves to be leaven, leavening the world: let us pray that the purpose may be accomplished. DOING what? Just the work, whatever it may be, that his Lord has given him to do. Glorious as it might be to be found on our knees at the advent of our Master, it were more glorious still to be found doing our allotted task. S. Francisca Romana is reported to have said: “A wife and a mother, when called upon, must quit her God at the altar, and find Him in her house­ hold affairs.” True! not only of the wife and the mother, but of all men. That which it behooves us to do—be it never so monotonous, never so humble, never so commonplace, is the work engaged in which we may least fear to be discovered by the Divine. There is a legend that an angel, passing over a certain city, beheld a lady enbroidering an altar cloth, and wept; awhile afterwards he saw a peasant woman cleaning her doorstep, and smiled. The secret was that the lady was neglecting her daily duty in order to “do something for God;” the peasant, doing the daily task, was serving God whether she knew it or no. Men crave for what they call “sphere of higher service,” and some- J uly 3. “Blessed . . . whom his lord . . . shall find so doing.' Matt. 24:46.

“Best” Books on Very Important Themes Books that every Christian needs to read Through Science to God By Chas. H. Tyndall O u r review er says: “T his is a real book. T h ere is som ething in it. T h e first read in g ch arm ed m e b u t also confused m e som ew hat. I could n o t tak e in all th e fresh ideas h e p resen ted . A second an d slow er read in g b ro u g h t a rem ark ab le clearness of u n d erstan d in g as to science and God. I have b een read in g books and books on science w hich leave God o u t a lto g eth er. I felt th e lack. H ere is one as scholarly as a n y 1 have read, w hich gives God H is p ro p e r place. No re ce n t book on th e religious side of science is to be com p ared to it. It is 'th e book along th is line. I advise all p asto rs w ho love science to read it.” Cloth $ 2 .0 0 Modernism By J . M. Stansfield The Leaven of the Sadducees By Ernest Gordon

A clear show ing of ju s t w hat M odernism really is, w h at it does, an d w hence it cam e, can- no t b u t be helpful. T his book does ju s t th a t, an d does it in a clear-cu t fashion th a t b rings th e issue sh arp ly before the m ind. The a u th o r ap p ears to have read w idely, a n d his co n ­ clusions a re well stated . It will be a p p aren t to e v e r y read er th a t M odernism is an alto g eth er different religion from C hristianity. The a u th o r also p o in ts o u t its fundam ental connection w ith evolution, an d th e resu lts it h as obtained in th e denom inations in w hich it h as becom e dom inant. Every C hristian will do well to read an d ponder its m essage. C loth $1.50 The Biblical Story of Creation In th e L ig h t of the R ecently D iscovered B abylonian D ocum ents. ' By G iorgio B artoli T his new volum e b y one of th e o u tstan d in g scientific men of Italy, gives a w ealth of technical inform ation f r o m scholarly w orks inaccessible to m o st read ers of the Bible, yet stan d s w ith unw avering fidel­ ity fo r th e old faith. T his book studies the m an ­ n er of creation, disproves evol­ ution, b rin g s to g eth er inform a­ tio n front th e w hole Bible on th e cosm ic w reck caused by th e fall of S atan an d h o sts of angels w ith him , and snow s th a t th is w as th e teach in g of Jew ish w riters before C hrist, of th e L ord an d th e A postles, an d of th e E arly Church. C loth $1.25

“The g r e a t e s t broadside against Liberalism that has been put out in this genera­ tion.** B ishop W arren A. C andler say s: "T he Leaven of th e S ad ­ ducees is a sta rtlin g exposure of U n itarian designs on the evangelical churches of the U nited S tates. 1 th in k th a t all of us who have th e e a r of the public^ should seek to prom ote its wide circulation. If the facts . w hich it contains are b ro u g h t to th e a tte n tio n of the evangelical churches I believe th ey will b e aroused to th e m ost vigorous opposition to all these b etra y e rs of trust.'* P a p e r $1.00, C loth $1.50 The A u th o r is a ju stice of th e Suprem e C ourt of the S tate of New Y ork. The book is evoked by th e flood of o b ­ scene m a tte r th a t has o v er­ tak en u s in c u rre n t lite ra tu re an d th e stag e an d movies. Ju d g e Ford goes in to th e w hole question ra th e r fully, th o u g h briefly, quoting a good m any preced en ts in law to su p p o rt his attitu d e . The book therefore serves as an up -to - date statem e n t of law s ag ain st obscenity, an d its m ission is declared to be to s tir friends of religion an d m o rality to a g ­ gressive actio n a g ain st th e flood of d irt. C hristians will do well to read an d ponder th e m essage of th is book, an d co n ­ sider well w hether th ey have a d u ty to perform for th e com ­ m u n ity in aiding in th e su p ­ p ressio n of th is iniquitous traffic. C loth $1.50 Criminal Obscenity By John Ford

The Modem Triangle

By S. J. Bole H ere is a book w hich m eets th e scien tist an d philosopher on th e ir own ground, p roduces evidence w hich such teach ers too often ignore o r belittle, an d challenges th e ir conclusions on grounds of reason an d fact. Its au th o r w as once c ap tu red b y th e evolution th eo ry him self, an d his experience m akes his testim ony doubly valuable. H is conclusion is th a t it requires m ore faith th an does orthodox belief— only faith, of course, of a different kind I A nd no tru e r o r m ore necessary w arning h as been given th a n th e w arning th a t “m ost people do n o t Know th a t Bible term s have been, and are, continually being “ re-defined;“ so th a t “liberal" theologians, w hile statin g th a t th ey believe in various C hristian doctrines, use the term s in a different sense from th a t of orthodox C hristianity, to th e confusion of m any. T he book h as the fu rth e r m erit of a very good index. C loth $1.50 If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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