King's Business - 1927-06

HERE IS A RELIGIOUS PAPER THAT Gives to Sunday-school teachers each week comprehensive and easily usable helps to Bible study, Bible teaching and class man­ agement. Digs deep into the riches of God’s Word. Believes the entire Bible as God-breathed and infallible. Keeps you posted on the best activities of Christians at home and abroad. Describes how the successful churches and Sunday-schools are getting their results—so that you can get the same. Brings you the best scholarship, “mixed with faith,” on earth today. Reports new and thrilling discoveries in Bible lands. Tells how to live the life of prayer. Keeps close to young people’s needs and problems. Shows the meaning of current events in the light of Bible prophecy.

Exposes the fallacy and peril of today’s false religions. Believes in keeping sane and steady, but never neutral.

Gives the Lord Jesus Christ the central and supreme place in the Word, in his­ tory, in our lives, and in ending this age and establishing His Kingdom on earth.

( is s u e d EVERY' w e e k )

li. vno other paper just like this; it gives unusual helps on the International Uniform Sunday School Lessons; keeps you posted on latest discoveries in Bible lands; gives an- unsurpassed Survey of the Religious Life and Thought of the whole world; studies Bible prophecy sanely; reviews books authoritatively; feeds the spiritual life. Subscription rates / y * $2 a year, or $1.50 in clubs of five or more copies, either to y y separate addresses or to one address. 25 cents with the & coupon will bring the paper to you for 10 weeks. H H g H Na ■ ^ ______ A ddress..

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