Crown Paints Interior Colour Book


Our mental health is a huge concern with theWorld HealthOrganisation citing that depression will be the largest cause of disability by 2030. This news is leading architects, interior designers and planners to challenge the way we live and work – to design and create new environments which harness nature and which will help generate a happier and healthier future for us all. Neuroscientists and architects are collaborating to understand the impact the environment has on us. Meditation is becomingmore andmore popular andmind relaxation apps are widely available. Low intensity colours aremore relaxing. The styling is understated and uses a subtle blending technique. There are videos online showing how to recreate the effect. The white colour has a hint of a warmblue and it takes the edge off a brilliant white. The two colours quietly sit at opposite sides off the colour wheel. A blue white and yellow are complementary colours. Whites are seen to be pure, clean and spiritual. We associate yellowwith the sunshine, it is an optimistic and cheerful colour. Yellow is warming and there aremany variations of yellow from mustard, lemon, gold and cream. Here a soft pastel shade is used and this is a low intensity colour.

The ocean is central to “Immersed” it looks at the ocean as a place of relaxation, an escape from hectic busy lives. We choose to immerse ourselves into the refreshing blue water. Immersed uses the concept of a spa to create an interior. A spiritual contemporary space in which to unwind. Water is calming and soothing. It can also be wild and untamed and this is refreshing and revitalising. Simple, understated and uncluttered. The layers reflect the depths of the ocean. To achieve the gradient effect, three bands of colour are painted, the deepest at the bottomand the lightest at the top. Rough brush strokes blend the edges and create a free flowing look. Horizontal bands are calming. Blues are considered to have a relaxing effect. Here the colours are desaturated, they are not vibrant and can be described as analogous.

Health &Well-being

Health &Well-being



THIS IMAGE has had a lot of success with the press. It is a beautiful inspiring image. Home trends last much longer than fashion, we do not replace furnishings and furniture as quickly as we tend to replace clothes.

Duck Egg L4441B

English Manor ® P4810J

Teal L8192N

Sunrise B6811V

Midnight Navy ® P5062M



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