Crown Paints Colour Service would like to thank:
International WELL Building Institute. TheWELL Building Standard version 1 (WELL v1), Q4 2019.
Albers, J. (1963). Interaction of Colour . Newhaven and London, Yale University Press.
Timlin G and Rysenbry N. (2010). Design for Dementia, Improvingdining and bedroomenvironments in care homes. Helen Hamlyn Centre, Royal College of Art. Tomassoni, R., Galetta, G., & Treglia, E. (2015). Psychology of Light: How Light Influences the Health and Psyche. Psychology, 6, 1216- 1222. Accessed February 2019. Available at: psych.2015.610119 Tomassoni, R., Galetta, G., & Treglia, E. (2015). Psychology of Light: How Light Influences the Health and Psyche. Psychology, 6, 1216-1222. http://
Kastan DS and Farthing S. (2018) OnColour. NewHaven and London:Yale University Press.
Alzheimer’s Society (2020) The DementiaGuide. Accessed February 2020. Available at: the-dementia-guide
Jeffrey, K. (2017) Studying the Sense of Direction in the Brain. Conscious Cities Conference 2. Available at;
Ball, P. (2008). Bright Earth, The Invention of Colour. London: Vintage Books.
Vernon Kinrade for his endless kindness and expertise; Richard Mazuch IBI Group logo for his innovative research and ‘out of the box’ thinking; Magda Mostafa for giving her permission to Crown Paints to share the ground breaking AustismASPECTSS TM Design Index; Catherine Helilker at Danfloor for allowing us to use some lovely images; Housing 21 for providing case study imagery; Emma Cottam, ERWilliams (Painting Contractors Ltd) for supplying photography of Manchester University; and last but not least, Graeme Stephenson for his dynamic design skills.
Barrett P, Zhang Y, Davies F, Barrett L. (2015). Clever Classrooms, Summary Report of the HEAD Project. University of Salford.
John, Janet (2007). Colour and Tonal Contrast: The Process fromGuidance to Accessible Housing, a supplement to Housing Sight. RNIB Cymru.
Birren, F (1961). Color Psychology andColor Therapy, A Factual Study of the Influence of Colour on Human Life. Pickle Partners Publishing.
MahanM and Kashizadeh S. (2012). The Effect of Light andColour in Architec- tural Design. WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 165. WIT Press
Ulrich, R S (1984) ViewThrough aWindowMay Influence Recovery from Surgery . Science, New Series, Volume 224, Issue 4047.
Ellard, C. (2015). The Places of Heart, The Psychogeographyof Everyday Life. New York: Bellevue Literary Press.
UK Government (2015) Access to and use of Buildings, Approved Document M, Volume 2. Available at; loads/attachment_data/file/441786/BR_PDF_AD_M2_2015.pdf WorldGreen Building Council. (2016). Building the Business Case: Health, Wellbeing and Productivity in GreenOffices. Available at https://www.worldg- (Accessed August 2019) Zande B and Rizzo P. (2016) HumanCentric Lighting. Phillips Lighting University. Accessed November 2019. Available at;
Mazuch, R (2019). ‘Good Domestic Design BoostsWell Being’ The Network
Evans, G. (2017). The Storyof Colour, An Exploration of the Hidden Messages of the Spectrum. London: Michael O’Mara Books Limited.
Mensch,Farbe, Raum, (RevsionMeerwein Rodeck Mahnke). (2007) Color – Communication in Architectural Space . Birkhäuser: Basel, Boston, Berlin.
Department of Health (2015). Health Building Note 08-02, Dementia- Friendly Health and Social Care Environments. Accessed July 2019. Available at; social-care-environments-hbn-08-02
Mostafa, M (2015) An Architecture for Autism, The AutismASPECTSS™De- sign Index. AccessedMay 2019. Available at; Mostafa, M. (2008) An Architecture for Austism: Concepts of Design Interven- tion for the AustismUser . Archnet-IJAR, Volume 2, Issue 1 (189-211) Interna- tional Journal of Architectural Research. Rees, L and Lewis, C. (2003). Housing Sight, AGuide to Building Accessible Homes for People with Sight Problems. RNIB and theWelsh Assembly Government.
Fairchild, Mark D. (2013) Color Appearance Models , Third Edition. Chichester: JohnWiley & Sons.
Finlay, V. (2002). Colour, Travels Through the Paintbox. Great Britain: Hodder and Stoughton.
Goethe, JohannWolfgang,von. 1810 (Translated 1840, Sir Charles Eastlake) Theoryof Colours. OTB eBook publishing; 1 edition (18 April 2018)
Scully, A. (2015) Interior Design: Conceptual Basis. London: Springer Interna- tional Publishing, Switzerland.
Hall, Edward T. (1966) (Reissue 1988) The Hidden Dimensions . USA: Doubleday/Anchor Publishing.
St Clair, J. (2016). The Secret Lives of Colour. London: JohnMurray Publishers.
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