Crown Paints Interior Colour Book


Pashmina ® X3640L

Pinks are often associated with flowers andmany textile designs popularise pink florals. In this context colours such as X3640L Pashmina offer a whimsical romantic touch, sweet and perfumed. Equally pinks such as U1830B Swan Lake can be paired with industrial materials to create contemporary balanced interiors. X5310X is a subdued variation of pink and creates a stunning design when walls and skirting boards are both painted in

this colour, ensuring clean simple lines. W5253W is a shade designed tomake a statement, it is a vivacious and a fun colour, often referred to as Barbie Pink . V7144H is a colour sometimes referred to as raspberry, it is a rich shade and contains blue andmagenta. This colour sits on the border between pink and purple, and while it contains a lot of colourant, it can be considered a restful and warming colour.

Pink In many European languages the term for pink translates into rose, however the English word pink has a different story. Pink was originally a term used for a frilled edge: scissors with zigzags are called pinking shears. Carnation flowers often pink in colour have a frilled edge, not unlike the effect created with pinking shears. Not until the seventeenth century did the term pink become synonymous with the colour. contemporary, fun feminine, romantic

Ballet Shoes ® Z0710H

While pink has been historically linked to the same connotations of red, possibly because some red dyes faded to pink, it is now regarded as a feminine colour and a favourite amongst girls. Baker Miller Pink is a mid toned pink, originally produced by mixing a small tin of red gloss with 5 litres of white paint. This combination was used to decorate a prison holding cell. During the 1970s, in America, US Navy Commanding officers Gene Baker

and Ron Miller wanted to reduce violence and hoped the colour could combat anti social behaviour. Reports highlighted that inmates were quickly calmed and were also physically weaker in a pink cell. The colour also termed drunk tank pink has been used in the UK to calm aggressive behaviour in the drunk and disorderly . Speculation still remains as to the actual benefits and prison cells are no longer adorned with the colour, but the name Baker Miller Pink is still widely known.

Creme de la Rose ® X0800G

Fairy Dust ® V1700Y

U1830B Swan Lake

X3640L Pashmina







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